It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Excuse you.

Not only was I unable to find where to manage my saves aside from the link in the email (I dug through GOG Galaxy *and* using a web browser) but I have to tell you - Cyberpunk 2077 was the only game that exceeded the 200mb limit.

That is *your* game. You produced and distributed that game.

Please consider such a paltry 200mb limit as an affront to your *own* save game system.
Post edited July 16, 2024 by Spitlebug
I don't use GOG Galaxy, and I do find this whole handling of the situation daft, but I nth the vote of allowing users to redirect the cloud sync to their own services. I got space on my service, if's space a trouble at all.
I really think this could be handled better, since i do not quite believe that you would prefer

-my 100+ games have 199mb savefiles each


-2 games (one of which is cyberpunk 2077) being like 400mb at most.
high rated
Shit like this is why people trust no other platform than steam.

I've bought like 100 games on gog but I won't buy a single more.
Sorting saves from oldest to newest by default is the worst decision, I was cleaning some Cyberpunk 2077 saves, sorted them by date, went to the last, deleted some, after check again that I have to delete more, clicked again manage but they were sorted again from oldest to newest, deleted the last ones and then noticed that I deleted some of my last saves...
Now I lost a lot of hours, if I have to play it again I will buy the expansion in Steam, because I don't think I can restore some of them (I just deleted them yesterday)
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
Excuse me, but what is that non-game-related data??? Why is it even there?
That said, you need to provide a way for people to learn more about those saves. The file names alone do not tell us much.
Also, I agree with the others that the email was a bit suspicious. There should always be a visible "copy this link to a browser" option, not just "click this". Your email form is how scammers steal people's accounts.

Edit: Also, I cannot seem to be able to download my cloud save set for Your game, Witcher 3, from Galaxy. Do I *have to* have the game installed to be able to do so? Don't tell me I do. At least add the download all option on that save management website.There doesn't seem to be such an option on the store website of GOG, which sometimes works for download, when your client fails miserably (like with the newest DLC for Underrail).
Post edited July 16, 2024 by lubwak
So why am I getting the email, and being told in GOG Galaxy that I'm over if my saves are under the limit according to the management page?
gog.jpg (115 Kb)
I'm curious if the cloud storage will be deleted (or cut off at the 200mb limit), will this sync back to my local saves and purge them too? Because that would be really bad. Do I need to turn off cloud saves completely to make sure nothing happens to my local files?
Post edited July 16, 2024 by The_Madhatter
king_kunat: Hey everyone! You might have already or will soon receive an email from us about your cloud storage with a link to the dedicated clean-up tool. Don't be alarmed by the "salesmanago" part contained in their URLs. It's a legitimate email and link from us.

Send-out of these emails is happening in batches to ensure a smooth experience for everyone managing their savefiles, and not strain our infrastructure. We’ll also have a proper announcement once the majority of emails go out, and more options to access the tool besides just the email link.
I've got cloud saves turned off.
Why are my game saves even going to the cloud when I want them here. On my machine. With all my games. And with the option in my Settings unchecked.
I went to the manage link on the website and... I can't download any of these saves. Only delete them. At least give me the option to download my saves right from the website where I manage them.

Thankfully my biggest save footprint is only The Witcher, but like... 200MBs for a single game that already hit 140MBs for me is a little low...
Are we not going to be entertained with answers in this OFFICIAL thread on the issue? Come on guys! It is a holiday season and you've given us all a short deadline. Way to cause outrage when people find out some of the progress in their games in gone. Do you think it will work well for the store?
I think you should move the deadline to October and resent information about it along the way several times. If you care about your business ofc.
Post edited July 21, 2024 by lubwak
Ive just had one of these emails and havnt used cloud save for a very long time. so there must be some very old saves in it. I would of thought that the cloud save limit would be automatic as in a when getting near 200MB you had a notice warning you then cloud saves stop once you reach the limit. Seems simple to me rather than this performance.
I get the need to limit how much goes to the cloud, but a blanket amount for each game is a bit absurd.
For example, Cyberpunk Autosave 0-19 (not configurable as far as I know) and quicksave 0-9 (also not configurable as far as I know) take up ~167 for me
6 Manual saves takes up ~34MB

So you could have roughly 3 characters with 2 manual saves each. If I could limit auto saves to 10 and quick saves to 5 it would reduce those saves to ~85MB. I am pretty sure Baldur's Gate 3 lets you do this.
Bullshit, because many games (Witcher 3, Cyberpunk) habe bigger saves.


And deleting them manually is a pain ,next to impossible. It keeps replacing stuff i delete.
1. i delete them locally, it downloads them next start of the game.
2. i delete them remotely, it gets uploaded again next start or close of the game.
3. It takes 100x trial and error to remove some old saves finally

best part:

4. i fire up my other pc, which still has all the saves. Guess what, it uploads what i just deleted.

And for games like DOS2 it claims my files locally are 500mb but i cannot find them and delete them. Thus cloud does not even work anymore.
Its worthless and for GOG its a bad business decision.
I think there are idiots at work.
You claim to delete old saves.
But the reality is, you disallow upload any new saves (if locally you have > 200mb)

You effectivly limit your buyers to 200mb locally as well. There is probably an idiot at work
Post edited July 21, 2024 by Hilsfaz
Dear GOG, wouldn't it make more sense to have per game specific save storage? Some modern(ish) games, like say Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, etc. take over 1GiB easily, while others will rarely go over 30 MiB? Maybe allow game devs to specify size, with 200 MiB being a default.