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Since now it has become clear that EA isn't buying CDPR, could it be that CDPR is buying EA??? Looks like Witcher 3 was way more profitable than I thought. :P
From the same article:

"What we have as the slogan of our studio is that 'we are rebels'," he said. "Rebels, underdogs - I think it's a state of mind. The moment we start becoming conservative [and] stop taking creative risks and business risks, and stop being true to what we're doing, that's when we should worry. And I am not worried. Our values and our care for what we are doing and - hopefully what gamers would agree with - care for gamers is what drives this company forward. Whether we are big or small, we have a multiplatform open-world game or just a PC release, the game and our deeds are what counts, not the fact that we are perceived by some as the big guys.

"It's my personal horror to become a faceless behemoth of game development or publishing or whatnot," he added. "As long as I am here I will be fighting for this not to happen."

Okay. So GOG with sometimes strained support, sometimes lacking communication and hundreds of thousands of users of Galaxy is a rebelic underdog and not a faceless behemoth? Hmm. I guess one can also do too much wishful thinking. Probably they are a bit of both.

CDP is partly like the big ones and why should it not? I think that in principle their business model is compatible with the model of bigger companies like EA. After all Valve is also much bigger and even the market leader and still Valve does new things and keeps doing risky things regularly.
jacknozwad: So Rumor online says EA is possibly buying CD Project Red? Is this indeed true? if so is gog going to get merged into EA Origin? If so plan on loosing all my business completely..... Please comment?
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Post edited September 15, 2015 by yyahoo
huN73R: Since now it has become clear that EA isn't buying CDPR, could it be that CDPR is buying EA??? Looks like Witcher 3 was way more profitable than I thought. :P
Something I particularly like from that article is this quote:

"Speaking to Develop in June 2015, CD Projekt admitted it was being approached by companies for acquisition on a "regular basis," but added that it doesn't plan on giving up its independence."
huN73R: Since now it has become clear that EA isn't buying CDPR, could it be that CDPR is buying EA??? Looks like Witcher 3 was way more profitable than I thought. :P
Marioface5: Something I particularly like from that article is this quote:

"Speaking to Develop in June 2015, CD Projekt admitted it was being approached by companies for acquisition on a "regular basis," but added that it doesn't plan on giving up its independence."
I'm pretty sure if a company that you have positive business relationship with offers to buy your company, you're going to at least humor them a little. Invite them over, give them a tour but ultimately let them down gently. You're just not gonna tell them to GTFO. Not unless you want them to pull all their games from your distribution service at least...
I don't think it will happen, and CDP can't say a thing even if it does happen, but if it does happen then...fuck. I'd hate to see CDPR go the way of Bioware and start churning out cookie-cutter, colour-coded morality systems with tacked-on multiplayer.
If it is true. Guys may I suggest you back up your library onto external HDD. Just in case. Better to be safe than sorry. :)
Wolfehunter: If it is true. Guys may I suggest you back up your library onto external HDD. Just in case. Better to be safe than sorry. :)
Sure , i will do that . Just send me a brand new external HDD first . :)
Wolfehunter: If it is true. Guys may I suggest you back up your library onto external HDD. Just in case. Better to be safe than sorry. :)
Painted_Doll: Sure , i will do that . Just send me a brand new external HDD first . :)
Sorry No. I'm not responsible how you organize your affairs. I'm just suggesting to back up your files if the rumors are true. ;)
As it is now, it's just wishful thinking ;)

But i would love to see CDPRED, GOG, CDP grow to become one of the biggest vendors of entertainment software - and still stay independent of other companies.

But it's going to take quite some time.
Meh, there is already such a wishlist with many more votes.
Grargar: Meh, there is already such a wishlist with many more votes.
"Purchase EA"... That sounds so... everyday or something.

"Honey, did you remember to purchase EA and a new pair of pants for the baby?"
- "Damn it! I knew I forgot something! I'll buy the pants tomorrow."
"But you did buy EA, right?"
- "Yeah, I left it on the table..."