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NoNewTaleToTell: They were one of those terrible nu-metal bands that were mega popular for five minutes in the early 00s.
mike_cesara: I grow up on bands like Sham 69, UK Subs, The Damned.. So please, forgive me my ignorance ; ) I guess LB is as much edgy as my baby toe.
Back to The Witcher, I can hear much more strong words in real life than in the game. I love the way the world in game is, wouldn't enjoy it if it was another Dragon Age.. I wouldn't even look at it in fact : )
Sham 69! Big fan of that band but almost never see them getting any love online. Oddly enough my introduction to Sham 69 was the version with Tim V on vocals, loved them at first listen anyway. Of course The Damned and the UK Subs are great, that entire scene really.

I've never played Dragon Age but my experiences with Bioware have been mostly...disappointing to say the least, so I do think I get your meaning there haha.
mike_cesara: Just think about it for a while. What does EA knows about Slavic culture? How would The Witcher politically correct looked? And who would want play it? ; )
Hyperborean111: Witcher 4 would look and feel just like Ultima 9.

"What's a Witcher?"
Oh dear.. I have to finish the game before EA release their patch for The Witcher 3 ; ))
Hyperborean111: Witcher 4 would look and feel just like Ultima 9.

"What's a Witcher?"
mike_cesara: Oh dear.. I have to finish the game before EA release their patch for The Witcher 3 ; ))
Sorry, can't use the W word, it would need to be renamed:
The Person of Female Persuasion who dispenses familiy and homeopathic remedies.

I do hope Persuasion is PC currently, its hard to keep up on whats acceptable.
lol.jpg (57 Kb)
Here's the official dementi from Adam Kicinski, CDP's CEO. You can't go higher than this:,t,377,topic_page,54#post-3774
I was worried there for a minute, but just for a minute
Don't believe such rumors in gaming communities.
And one more for good measure:
boskee: Here's the official dementi from Adam Kicinski, CDP's CEO. You can't go higher than this:,t,377,topic_page,54#post-3774
My Polish is a bit rusty, so Google translator says:

I usually do not comment on rumors, but the sales of our studies has come full circle too big and time to deny it. On behalf of the entire board and declare: No, we do not run talks on the sale of CD Projekt RED or Goga.
By the way, the evidence of the credibility of the source is not true ...
"the sales of our studies has come full circle too big", ok what is the proper translation? So they are selling their studies in a too big full circle? That sounds bad. Half a circle I could understand, but full circle?
boskee: Here's the official dementi from Adam Kicinski, CDP's CEO. You can't go higher than this:,t,377,topic_page,54#post-3774
timppu: My Polish is a bit rusty, so Google translator says:

I usually do not comment on rumors, but the sales of our studies has come full circle too big and time to deny it. On behalf of the entire board and declare: No, we do not run talks on the sale of CD Projekt RED or Goga.
By the way, the evidence of the credibility of the source is not true ...
timppu: "the sales of our studies has come full circle too big", ok what is the proper translation? So they are selling their studies in a too big full circle? That sounds bad. Half a circle I could understand, but full circle?
Here is a better translation:
Roxolani: Don't believe such rumors in gaming communities.
sometimes even stranger deals have been made , so you never know for sure :D

if ea should buy out all good sites like gog, then all these will be converted to ea policies, loads of drm and the likes
will be added, or maybe EA would just dump it and disable it so they can continue to drm the world :D

anyway, if this hould happen, i guess many user will stop buying, i myself would stop buying ea stuff
i mean steam is only for fun and 19 cents stuff to test, ea original uplay is all drm loaded and i dont like drm
so gog is my main way of getting good old games , and new games without drm.

There is already way to much drm on the internet in movies, programs, os,games so gog is unique .
There are some sites that claim to have drm free games but these have only a few drm free games rest is all drm .

But the reply show they have no intention to sell to EA ( i had to use google to translate cause i cant read polish)
Ysnine: I was worried there for a minute, but just for a minute
same here.... i mean the entire world is almost drm-ed so please let there be one place without drm
i mean even GG has 80% steam stuff now, it seems they used to be drm free in the past according to wikipedia,
the drm free games are very old, and only the casual games are good.
all the great major sales are usually steam items at GG, the indie games are almost never on sale.
Post edited September 15, 2015 by gamesfreak64
Why isn't EA interested in buying out CDPR nor GOG? Did they at least give any explanation?

I feel... rejected. An outcast. A boy without a balloon. A marmot without a trampoline.
jacknozwad: Please comment?
JMich: Here you are.
It's sad to see the gullible comments on Twitter. Not sure how I feel about them... derp.
NoNewTaleToTell: Sham 69! Big fan of that band but almost never see them getting any love online. Oddly enough my introduction to Sham 69 was the version with Tim V on vocals, loved them at first listen anyway. Of course The Damned and the UK Subs are great, that entire scene really.
I don't think you should be devastated by used language then ; ) Note that swearing is common for guards, crooks but not peasants.

NoNewTaleToTell: I've never played Dragon Age but my experiences with Bioware have been mostly...disappointing to say the least, so I do think I get your meaning there haha.
Me neither, but my friend did and from what I've seen, I wouldn't enjoy it. I'd rather take another Witcher or Gothic playthrough. Worlds in those games are more natural for me, especially The Witcher, which world share believes, places and even alphabet with Slavic world.
And yes, you may call me the Witcher fanboy. The game makes me smile, sad, curious.. has everything what good story needs, plays on my emotions.
What EA would do would be just another fantasy game..

nightcraw1er.488: Sorry, can't use the W word, it would need to be renamed:
The Person of Female Persuasion who dispenses familiy and homeopathic remedies.

I do hope Persuasion is PC currently, its hard to keep up on whats acceptable.
Witcher! Witcher! Witcher! ; )
Nah, real world never was and never will be a sweet bed story to tell your kids.
I want it to be unfounded rumors, but EA is like the Mafia. They lie, they manipulate, love to acquire successful independent businesses, only to then squeeze them dry for the last drop, before leading them to pit and put a nine in your head.
Post edited September 15, 2015 by Dragoon001