NoNewTaleToTell: I know, what would The Witcher be without the constant cursing, constant cringey fanservice and Limb Bizkit level of EdGiNeZZ (the Zs make it extra deep and mature!)? Why it would just be the worst thing ever.
Eh, I could see EA buying CD Projekt Red and then again I could see it being just a rumor, I really don't care either way to be honest.
JKHSawyer: You must have played a vastly different game than I.
Also if you don't care I guess that kind of renders your post pretty pointless. Why bother?
You must have played a vastly different game than I. Opinions and tastes and all that.
At least part of my post was somewhat on topic. There are other posts here that are even less on topic than mine. Go police them too while you're at it.
mike_cesara: I have no idea what limp biscuit is and not trying to find out to be honest.. No one is pushing anyone to buy anything.
They were one of those terrible nu-metal bands that were mega popular for five minutes in the early 00s.
Now I'm curious, after the success of The Witcher series, where does CD Projekt Red rank in the whole scheme of devs/publishers?