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The_Blog: That's true. But that is not really exclusive to european. He was wondering why especially europeans have decent english skills.
Tekkaman-James: While on the subject, I must say that I am impressed with the vast majority of the non-English members here who are able to speak such a convincing level of "conversational" English. Very VERY few here speak like a robotic translator. Is that just learned over years of chatting like we do here on the GOG forums? Or do they teach this kind of stuff?
It is like the_Blog already said (at least for me - hoping I am not one of the robotic sounding people here) I am interested in US TV-Shows and movies and I am writing a lot in forums which often are in English. Over the time it gets better and better. I only had learned English in school - nothing more. I never was in US or UK or another English speaking country. O.K. once I talked a bit English in Greece and some of my cutomers only speak English and their native language but mostly that is all.
Any guesses on next seasoned deal?
the_voivod: The second cycle has been as slow as a badger's ass, though. If a badger has a slow ass; I don't know.
j0ekerr: What sort of badger, african or european?
Ah Monty, you crack me up with all of your talk :)
high rated
j0ekerr: What sort of badger, african or european?
GhostwriterDoF: They have badgers in Europe? :o
Well, without badgers there would be no dachshunds, either European or Africanized.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by budejovice
j0ekerr: What sort of badger, african or european?
the_voivod: Honey.
Those are vicious little things.
You'd better protect your nads in their presence.
The_Blog: Mainly over chatting yes and just general things like articles, games, movies and such. I would say after leaving school my english was definitly worse than it is now and it took much longer to come up with the sentences. Now after a few years of basicly watching and playing most of the media I consume in english I can speak and write much more fluent.
Gotcha. As I said, most every one here speaks English so naturally. Many times, I am just lost in having a conversation and then I'll glance over at someone's avatar and think, "Oh, they're in Germany?" It's very impressive. English-speakers, especially us Americans, mangle this poor language so much. I couldn't imagine having to learn it all second-hand.
Apparently there are badgers in Europe... :D
Tekkaman-James: English-speakers, especially we Americans, mangle this poor language so much.
j0ekerr: What sort of badger, african or european?
GhostwriterDoF: They have badgers in Europe? :o
The_Blog: That's true. But that is not really exclusive to european. He was wondering why especially europeans have decent english skills.
Tekkaman-James: While on the subject, I must say that I am impressed with the vast majority of the non-English members here who are able to speak such a convincing level of "conversational" English. Very VERY few here speak like a robotic translator. Is that just learned over years of chatting like we do here on the GOG forums? Or do they teach this kind of stuff?
Schools can only do so much if one does not use the knowledge outside of class. My big sister introduced me to American TV shows and non translated English movies. Magazines about my interests (science and technology) are cheaper in English than in French. Same thing for books. I started using English to communicate back in the days of BBS'

Reading a lot is vital to use a language well, as a result my written French is atrocious.
MarkoH01: I've read here in the forum that there is a patch somewhere in the internet which can do this already (I'd guess original version with voices is what you mean).
Yes, and I plan to use it :)
Tarnicus: That is an understatement! I was amazed by the serving sizes when I went to Phoenix, Arizona back in '05. Much bigger than what we get here in Australia, and I struggle to finish a plate of food here when eating out. The endless drink refills is also very different from here, where a drink at a restaurant is very overpriced.
the_voivod: See, thing is, portions here are kinda designed to be boxed up and eaten again at a later time. I think in many countries it's seen as a bit of an embarrassment to ask for a box, but it's just part 'n' parcel of eating out here. Also, a lot of appetizers are designed to be shared, and I think that throws a lot of tourists off who assume one order = one regular-sized meal.
Oh no I have no qualms about getting a "doggy bag"; is it called that in the US when one requests a container to take home leftovers? They are actually looking at legislating the practise as being illegal in Australia. There have been requests from some wankers in the food industry here to do so!!
goplanet: *ahem*
Hey! I'm mangling over here! I'm mangling!
the_voivod: Thunderscape banner dude is overcompensating.
Talk about constipation...