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I thought about buying Teslagrad and didn't. Maybe I am forgiven of this cardinal sin by buying Tesla Effect. Hm
the_voivod: Thunderscape banner dude is overcompensating.
Not in my mind.
Gog, I have put my pants on. I have a meeting in 30 minutes. Do you not understand how much Thunderscape has ruined my life right now?
Post edited March 05, 2015 by bew1977
The_Blog: That's true. But that is not really exclusive to european. He was wondering why especially europeans have decent english skills.
Tekkaman-James: While on the subject, I must say that I am impressed with the vast majority of the non-English members here who are able to speak such a convincing level of "conversational" English. Very VERY few here speak like a robotic translator. Is that just learned over years of chatting like we do here on the GOG forums? Or do they teach this kind of stuff?
Hah! What we learn in school has nearly nothing to do with english. School-english is some kind of idealized fantasy english of which the teachers believe to be english.
Much of my english I learned from computergames. Back in the eighties the games were not translated to german and you were lucky if a game had a german manual!
The more dirty parts of english I learned by listening to Rap groups like "Two Life Crew", "N.W.A.", "Ice-T" and so own. The older Rap musik -untill the middle of the 90s - were a good source for curse words, you just had to make sure you only bought CDs with the "Parental Advisory - Explicit Lyrics" sticker on them.
In the last few years I learned the more day-by-day conversational english buy reading and writing in some english forums. Oh, wait: This is one of these forums.
One problem I still have with english is the difference between these and those!
Tarnicus: Oh no I have no qualms about getting a "doggy bag"; is it called that in the US when one requests a container to take home leftovers? They are actually looking at legislating the practise as being illegal in Australia. There have been requests from some wankers in the food industry here to do so!!
And here I thought the Germans are the masters of over-regulation...
Rixasha: Anyone else on the lookout for Monkey Island SE? I'm hoping to build the ultimate talkie edition out of it.
MarkoH01: I've read here in the forum that there is a patch somewhere in the internet which can do this already (I'd guess original version with voices is what you mean).
I wonder why they didn't make the voices optional when switching to the old graphics anyway.
Does anybody know where to get this patch?
pengchi87: Gotta retire to bed, with my smartphone showing the GOG main page.

I will not miss Dragonfall this time!! Arrgh!!!

My axe of flames +2 is waiting for you! A critical hit and you'll be done for!

It's way past midnight here, so goodnight folks, and for those that are still enjoying the day, continue to have fun!
Rest well, I am about to do the same. I was going to ask if anyone else was sleeping with their phone next to them lol
Tekkaman-James: Gotcha. As I said, most every one here speaks English so naturally. Many times, I am just lost in having a conversation and then I'll glance over at someone's avatar and think, "Oh, they're in Germany?" It's very impressive. English-speakers, especially us Americans, mangle this poor language so much. I couldn't imagine having to learn it all second-hand.
To Germans it's particularly easy to learn english (the opposite is not true however).
Recently I came to the conclusion that among the germanic languages, English is the embarrasing seedy uncle with bad breath, shifty eyes and a couple of court citations, who always gets drunk at the christmas party and ends up goosing the young girls.
In Portugal the movies and series are subtitled so when I was learning how to read portuguese I was also practicing english listening comprehension, so basically I've been learning english since I was 4.
pengchi87: Gotta retire to bed, with my smartphone showing the GOG main page.

I will not miss Dragonfall this time!! Arrgh!!!

My axe of flames +2 is waiting for you! A critical hit and you'll be done for!

It's way past midnight here, so goodnight folks, and for those that are still enjoying the day, continue to have fun!
Tarnicus: Rest well, I am about to do the same. I was going to ask if anyone else was sleeping with their phone next to them lol
I do. how else am i going to keep up with
GhostwriterDoF: They have badgers in Europe? :o
MarkoH01: Yep!
Yes, but can they dance?

Klumpen0815: Badger badger....
They can!
Tarnicus: Oh no I have no qualms about getting a "doggy bag"; is it called that in the US when one requests a container to take home leftovers? They are actually looking at legislating the practise as being illegal in Australia. There have been requests from some wankers in the food industry here to do so!!
toxicTom: And here I thought the Germans are the masters of over-regulation...
We are. Don't forget the law that regulates that a business trip ends in case the business person dies during said trip.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by ElTerprise
pengchi87: Gotta retire to bed, with my smartphone showing the GOG main page.

I will not miss Dragonfall this time!! Arrgh!!!

My axe of flames +2 is waiting for you! A critical hit and you'll be done for!

It's way past midnight here, so goodnight folks, and for those that are still enjoying the day, continue to have fun!
Tarnicus: Rest well, I am about to do the same. I was going to ask if anyone else was sleeping with their phone next to them lol
I slept with my tablet next to me :-)
GhostwriterDoF: Apparently there are badgers in Europe... :D
Not if the government has any say in the matter.

Fortunately a hero appeared to save everyone one of them!