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The_Blog: Holy crap. Thx RNGesus. My 6th freebie.
Mousecraft. Sadly I bought that thing yesterday...
But it appears to be a cool game. Anybody who want's a copy?
I think it's time you considered getting a lottery ticket or something. ;-)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by HypersomniacLive
Games I'm still waiting for, but keep missing:
Sir you are being hunted
Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Among the Sleep
Pharaoh and Cleopatra
If Nox doesn't disappear in two minutes, I will be; disappointed.

Mousecraft looks like an evil reverse lemmings, using exploding tetris pieces.
iscagog: Can someone please make my taskbar flash if Nox or Shadowrun Dragonfall comes up? Watching footie now. Ta

(missed dinner btw - ty GOG)
It's insomnia. Coffee is more than enough :)
hummer010: Sixth!? Wow, I'm still looking for #2.
goplanet: Some of us haven't had ANY, you know.
Well, as usual GoG cannot spread freebies better. -_-'
foxworks: All this Nox talk is making my ears tingle!
Hehe....also I have never seen a greater display of the power of word of mouth, one person hyping the game has gotten everyone waiting for it to show up now. ;)
thanks bugamn and auberon2k, was really hoping there would be a few new games added (mainly SWOS :P) but i guess ill have to wait for some new sale for that one.

still lots of amazing games on that list so i should be able to grab a few to keep me occupied for a while :)

also, not sure whats wrong with me and how have i became such a cheap "(#(# but i simply dont feel like buying a game at full price anymore... even if that full price is 6 bucks :o i guess so many pc games sales have spoiled us, and not to mention i still have my floppy(s) with swos on it !
justanoldgamer: Try more fiber in your diets.
+1 (but not #1)
auberon2k: yes, one of the Kodama I think they are called? Tree spirits. I've been looking for years for a Gif'd version of one but never found a decent one.
j0ekerr: Mousecraft looks like an evil reverse lemmings, using exploding tetris pieces.
I'm pretty sure it's just like Warcraft, except instead of war, there's mice.
iscagog: Can someone please make my taskbar flash if Nox or Shadowrun Dragonfall comes up? Watching footie now. Ta

(missed dinner btw - ty GOG)
There is a python script to do this in github, don't have the URL handy sorry. Someone else might have a link though.
The_Blog: Holy crap. Thx RNGesus. My 6th freebie.
Mousecraft. Sadly I bought that thing yesterday...
But it appears to be a cool game. Anybody who want's a copy?
HypersomniacLive: I think it's time you considered getting a lottery ticket or something. ;-)
I should right?
j0ekerr: Mousecraft looks like an evil reverse lemmings, using exploding tetris pieces.
goplanet: I'm pretty sure it's just like Warcraft, except instead of war, there's mice.
Because mice never changes?
bew1977: Until the next sale.
auberon2k: EVER until the next time. with a new batch of wishlisted games.... It's a vicious cycle.
No, they won't fool me again. I prefer the classic sales, so I can clearly see how much money I'm saving & feel smart. I need that, once in a while.

I mean, it's a thing you have to do once & it's been fun hanging out with the community, but sweet Jeezus.

All this sleep deprivation messes with your habits, your meal times & everything else.

I had to go to bed at around noon, because for some reason I had this hallucination of April Ryan from The Longest Journey riding a rhinoceros.

Never again.