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as we face potential nuclear devastation, it's important to watch

" Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb "

^ for those of you that don't know that that is its actual full title ^
drealmer7: as we face potential nuclear devastation, it's important to watch

" Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb "
And given the impending dragon invasion, I think everyon should watch Reign of Fire.
drealmer7: as we face potential nuclear devastation, it's important to watch

" Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb "
Breja: And given the impending dragon invasion, I think everyon should watch Reign of Fire.
ohman, that movie is fucking great

but why must people make light of serious things all of the time

I was serious
Breja: And given the impending dragon invasion, I think everyon should watch Reign of Fire.
drealmer7: ohman, that movie is fucking great

but why must people make light of serious things all of the time

I was serious
That's exactly why.

I'm tired of this everpresent doom and gloom, this is the end of days, the world has never been such a mean and dangerous place rhetoric. So I make fun of it. It's either that or getting pissed off. Don't get me wrong, I agree with been in better places too. But also much, much worse.
Post edited September 01, 2017 by Breja
drealmer7: ohman, that movie is fucking great

but why must people make light of serious things all of the time

I was serious
Breja: That's exactly why.

I'm tired of this everpresent doom and gloom, this is the end of days, the world has never been such a mean and dangerous place rhetoric. So I make fun of it. It's either that or getting pissed off. Don't get me wrong, I agree with been in better places too. But also much, much worse.
was I all doom and gloom and dramatic about it? no

it's a potential reality and it'd be nice if people treated it as such

I honestly just think it is a defense mechanism because you don't want to face reality.

because then you might have to do something about it rather than live in oblivious blissful ignorance
Post edited September 01, 2017 by drealmer7
HereForTheBeer: Godfather
Godfather 2

Been so long since I've since 2001: A Space Odyssey that it will be like watching it for the first time.
MajicMan: Have you seen The Godfather Part III or do you have no interest in seeing it because a lot of people talk down about it?
Haven't seen it. Was sorta winging it when I made that first post.
Matewis: please use your own definition of old or classic :)

Speaking for myself the following comes to mind :

The Edge
Citizen Kane
Back to the Future 2 an 3
All of the spaghetti westerns

Unfortunately the internet has has graciously supplied me with significant spoilers to the first three. The first one I don't mind so much, but I really would've loved to see the 2nd and 3d one without spoilers :(

How about you?

edit : oh yes and I've definitely got to add
Ben Hur
Lawrence of Arabia
Watch Citizen Kane with a view to filmmaking, not plot; 'cuz it's kinda all over the map. Think about directing and camerawork and how most of this stuff had never been done before.

Then... immediately after, watch "The Battle over Citizen Kane". To understand what the heck the main plot was about (other than, you know, "Rosebud").
BoxOfSnoo: Watch Citizen Kane with a view to filmmaking, not plot; 'cuz it's kinda all over the map. Think about directing and camerawork and how most of this stuff had never been done before.

Then... immediately after, watch "The Battle over Citizen Kane". To understand what the heck the main plot was about (other than, you know, "Rosebud").
I also highly recommend RKO 281for further appreciation of the movie

but the main theme is pretty obvious, man views self-worth is tied to his wealth, harsh reality is that it is not

you can have everything and still have nothing of value
Breja: That's exactly why.

I'm tired of this everpresent doom and gloom, this is the end of days, the world has never been such a mean and dangerous place rhetoric. So I make fun of it. It's either that or getting pissed off. Don't get me wrong, I agree with been in better places too. But also much, much worse.
drealmer7: was I all doom and gloom and dramatic about it? no

it's a potential reality and it'd be nice if people treated it as such

I honestly just think it is a defense mechanism because you don't want to face reality.

because then you might have to do something about it rather than live in oblivious blissful ignorance
Jesus, I just made a joke. You may want to get off your high horse there, oh great and noble one. What do you want me to do, get Kim on the phone and tell him to take a chill pill? I'm seriously starting to think everyone in the US has gone mental.

You could concentrate on the positives - we've finally found a movie we both like :D
Breja: Jesus, I just made a joke. You may want to get off your high horse there, oh great and noble one. What do you want me to do, get Kim on the phone and tell him to take a chill pill? I'm seriously starting to think everyone in the US has gone mental.

You could concentrate on the positives - we've finally found a movie we both like :D
yes, I know you made a joke, that is what I took issue with, did you miss the fucking point?

I'm not on a high horse, that is just you trying to devalue the point I'm making by using catch phrases that allow you to disregard things you don't want to have to address
drealmer7: yes, I know you made a joke, that is what I took issue with, did you miss the fucking point?
No, I just missed the point where this became worth getting so angry about.
drealmer7: yes, I know you made a joke, that is what I took issue with, did you miss the fucking point?
Breja: No, I just missed the point where this became worth getting so angry about.
the inclination to make jokes of serious things so that the depth of seriousness can be ignored is pervasive and sick, it makes me quite angry

it perpetuates a culture of "not my problem", which has led to modern society to the sad state of affairs it has been in in the past 100 years, getting worse and worse every fucking day
Post edited September 01, 2017 by drealmer7
Breja: No, I just missed the point where this became worth getting so angry about.
drealmer7: the inclination to make jokes of serious things so that the depth of seriousness can be ignored is pervasive and sick, it makes me quite angry

it perpetuates a culture of "not my problem", which has led to modern society to the sad state of affairs it has been in in the past 100 years, getting worse and worse every fucking day
In situations far, far more serious than the world is now people who did far more to better it often did so with a smile and a joke.

But I guess if you really think that the world is in a worse spot now than it has been in the last 100 years then you know so pitifully little about it there is not much point in this anyway.
Post edited September 01, 2017 by Breja
krakataul: Solaris - A. Tarkovsky
Seven Samurai - A. Kurosawa
Searcher - J. Ford
Mulholland Drive - D. Lynch
M - F. Lang
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - M. Stuart
I watched Solaris in a Russian film class a few years back. The final shot and its implications impacted me so much that I had trouble sleeping that night. I highly recommend also watching the Tarkovsky film Stalker, which is just as brilliant.
Breja: But I guess if you really think that the world is in a worse spot now than it has been in the last 100 years then you know so pitifully little about it there is not much point in this anyway.
you just like to write rhetoric that makes you not have to consider anything, eh? no wonder you like shallow meaningless shit
krakataul: Solaris - A. Tarkovsky
sauvignon1: I watched Solaris in a Russian film class a few years back....brilliant.
this comment seems really inconsiderate, don't you realize that the impact you're talking about is affected if previously brought to awareness? just let him watch the film

btw I sent you a PM some time ago, never heard back...
Post edited September 01, 2017 by drealmer7