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Wages of Fear is excellent

The Usual Suspects is quite good even if you know the spoiler (and actually is the sort of movie that is enhanced once you do know the spoiler and go and rewatch it knowing)

Breja, can you help me with a movie title? I am pretty sure it is Polish sci-fi from the 70s (could be 80s?) that is very well renowned. It's something about an underground something somewhere where everyone lives and the themes are women's oppression ? I saw it some time ago and really liked it but for some reason can't remember the title. There's a part I remember but it's the major spoiler.

When The Wind Blows is another nuclear devastation movie I highly recommend.
mintee: I also want to take a stroll thru the spaghetti westerns
I recently rewatched Once Upon a Time in the West

so good
Post edited September 02, 2017 by drealmer7
sauvignon1: I watched Solaris in a Russian film class a few years back. The final shot and its implications impacted me so much that I had trouble sleeping that night. I highly recommend also watching the Tarkovsky film Stalker, which is just as brilliant.
krakataul: I have seen bits and pieces of Solaris previously, so unfortunately I'm not going in completely blind, atmosphere wise. But I am looking forward to it, you just turned my curiosity level up to 11* :)
(*obligatory This is Spinal Tap reference)

Generally, I've postponed watching movies from Tarkovsky, Kurosawa and Bergman... until recently, because I don't think that I would be able to appreciate them fully in my younger days.
The remake of Solaris is actually very damn good too. Interesting, The Seventh Seal was one of the first movies that moved me in a way that made me realize I should consider filmmaking as a career at 16 years old (and then A Clockwork Orange sealed it at 17)
You need to get a life outside Classics. Both films and games.
Or learn how to use a search engine instead of asking here all the time. Got no life where those questions come up?

Edit: I noticed drealmer7 is on this thread. Now I got to read it because that guy (Or girl?) speaks my film language. :)
Post edited September 02, 2017 by Tarm
drealmer7: Breja, can you help me with a movie title? I am pretty sure it is Polish sci-fi from the 70s (could be 80s?) that is very well renowned. It's something about an underground something somewhere where everyone lives and the themes are women's oppression ? I saw it some time ago and really liked it but for some reason can't remember the title. There's a part I remember but it's the major spoiler.
I'm pretty sure you mean Seksmisja/Sexmission, one of our best and most popular comedies.

drealmer7: I recently rewatched Once Upon a Time in the West

so good
It is a magnificent movie. Probably Leone's best, event though I think A Fistful of Dynamite is greatly underappreciated.
Post edited September 02, 2017 by Breja
*Browsing through the thread*

-Ah yes Citizen Kane.

That's a straight forward film that deals with memories, feelings and impressions. You know that the film is easy to follow. If you have seen a couple classic films to the end the narrative shouldn't be a problem.

Lawrence of Arabia is BOMBASTIC all the way with the English Hero from Colonial times come to save the day. If you can stand that it's a excellent character study and got great cinematics. The filming is great. That and the lighting is what's carry the film.
Tarm: Lawrence of Arabia is BOMBASTIC all the way with the English Hero from Colonial times come to save the day. If you can stand that it's a excellent character study and got great cinematics. The filming is great. That and the lighting is what's carry the film.
I think you're forgetting the key element - Peter O'Toole's phenomenal performance. Even among his many great roles this is a standout achievement.
tinyE: He did admit that.
I think you are going a little overboard here. Every director makes a piece of shit or two in their careers. The one pet peeve I have is condemning something they haven't seen just because they heard it was bad or they didn't like the guys other work, or the movie poster was stupid. PLEASE don't be the dork that does that. :P I'm not saying you would like it, but at least you can say "I watched it and it sucked." When I rip the LOTR movies I do so after having watched all of them.....and wishing I hadn't. :P
drealmer7: oh it's almost something I'd NEVER do, but I do it for JJ Abrams and M. Night Shyamalan and Joss Whedom. I've watched enough of their stuff to know they are just horrible writer/directors and have no desire to waste any more of my time on their shit
I'll throw that glow in your face. Joss Whedon. Anyone that can make Buffy, Angel and Firefly is a good film or TV maker.
Tarm: Lawrence of Arabia is BOMBASTIC all the way with the English Hero from Colonial times come to save the day. If you can stand that it's a excellent character study and got great cinematics. The filming is great. That and the lighting is what's carry the film.
Breja: I think you're forgetting the key element - Peter O'Toole's phenomenal performance. Even among his many great roles this is a standout achievement.
I agree. How could I forget that? Thank you for reminding me. :)
Post edited September 02, 2017 by Tarm
Tarm: I'll throw that glow in your face. Joss Whedon. Anyone that can make Buffy, Angel and Firefly is a good film or TV maker.
Anyone who can make Firefly can almost be forgiven for making Buffy.
drealmer7: oh it's almost something I'd NEVER do, but I do it for JJ Abrams and M. Night Shyamalan and Joss Whedom. I've watched enough of their stuff to know they are just horrible writer/directors and have no desire to waste any more of my time on their shit
Tarm: I'll throw that glow in your face. Joss Whedon. Anyone that can make Buffy, Angel and Firefly is a good film or TV maker.
And Dollhouse...
Post edited September 02, 2017 by BoxOfSnoo
Sexmission! That's it! damn, what a title to forget


some great films that get overlooked / not mentioned enough IMO:

Breakheart Pass
Missouri Breaks
Post edited September 02, 2017 by drealmer7
Tarm: I'll throw that glow in your face. Joss Whedon. Anyone that can make Buffy, Angel and Firefly is a good film or TV maker.
Breja: Anyone who can make Firefly can almost be forgiven for making Buffy.
That statement needs clarification. What's wrong with Buffy?
Breja: Anyone who can make Firefly can almost be forgiven for making Buffy.
Tarm: That statement needs clarification. What's wrong with Buffy?
dollhouse is the "best" thing Whedon did, and it is bad

firefly is the worst, and it is puketastic

Buffy is right in the middle and it is like "seriously? this got made and then a spinoff too?" - I think I watched 3 seasons of it wanting it to get good, but, noooop, same juvenile crap over and over and over with the standard crap writing
Post edited September 02, 2017 by drealmer7
Breja: Anyone who can make Firefly can almost be forgiven for making Buffy.
Tarm: What's wrong with Buffy?
Absolutely nothing!
Tarm: That statement needs clarification. What's wrong with Buffy?
drealmer7: dollhouse is the "best" thing Whedon did, and it is bad

firefly is the worst, and it is puketastic

Buffy is right in the middle and it is like "seriously? this got made and then a spinoff too?" - I think I watched 3 seasons of it wanting it to get good, but, noooop, same juvenile crap over and over and over with the standard crap writing
Huh. I think I just got to know you. You're that boring person that can't think outside of your age or known horizon if it's not structured. Stop limiting yourself.
Breja: Anyone who can make Firefly can almost be forgiven for making Buffy.
Tarm: That statement needs clarification. What's wrong with Buffy?
It's just so lame, it takes everything that makes vampire stories scary and cool and moody and makes it this high school drama with a high school girl fighting vampire with kung-fu. You know, at least in something like Fright Night the vampire is still a force to be in awe of, not to be kicked in the shins, scary, powerful and sexual in a creepy, predatory way, not some high school forbidden romance with a guy called Angel.

Not to mention that Sarah Michelle Gellar couldn't act wet in a thunderstorm.
Post edited September 02, 2017 by Breja