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HereForTheBeer: ...
Been so long since I've since 2001: A Space Odyssey that it will be like watching it for the first time.
Matewis: Yeah same here. Currently I'm waiting for the right time to watch it. Not sure when that will be, but I'm sure one day I will wake up and realize 'today is the day...'
I highly recommend getting stoned first!

I've seen all of Kubrick's movies MANY times, and they're all classics worth watching MANY times! I remember the 1st time I saw 2001 - what a trip!

matewis! stay away from the internet and movie info! I hate being spoiled too, that is horrible!
Matewis: Yeah same here. Currently I'm waiting for the right time to watch it. Not sure when that will be, but I'm sure one day I will wake up and realize 'today is the day...'

Shh man don't ruin it for me. The first one is a timeless classic and number 2 and 3 will be too dammit!!
tinyE: #3 is good, bordering on really good.
confusing? I don't think so, I think it's a riot of fun!
Matewis: *gasp* thud!
Breja: I'm not much of a Kubrick fan. The only thing Space Odyssey is good for is simulating time dilation. It's just over two hours, but feels like two years.
manoman, Kubrick is by far the best director of all time

clearly your tastes are wrong
Post edited August 31, 2017 by drealmer7
drealmer7: I've seen all of Kubrick's movies MANY times,
You've seen Eyes Wide Shut "MANY" times? :P

No offense, but I gotta call bullshit on this one. XD
SOoooo many classics that I am ashamed of not having gotten to yet.

Andrei Rublev
BRD Trilogy (gasp)
soooo many Bergman movies
Lawrence of Arabia
Coming Home
Battle of Algiers (gasp)
Knife in the Water

there are more ):
Post edited August 31, 2017 by drealmer7
drealmer7: I remember the 1st time I saw 2001 - what a trip!
You want a trip, watch Dark Star.

Oh, and Shining doesn't hold a candle to In The Mouth of Madness.

Barry Lyndon... Bah, it's not even interesting enough to argue over.

drealmer7: Lawrence of Arabia
It's absolutely superb. So given your taste in movies You'll probably hate it :D
Post edited August 31, 2017 by Breja
drealmer7: I remember the 1st time I saw 2001 - what a trip!
Breja: You want a trip, watch Dark Star.
Ohya I hear that is great. I have it, but have not watched it.
drealmer7: I remember the 1st time I saw 2001 - what a trip!
Breja: You want a trip, watch Dark Star.

Oh, and Shining doesn't hold a candle to In The Mouth of Madness.

Barry Lyndon... Bah, it's not even interesting enough to argue over.
In The Mouth of Madness is pretty good, but it's not even in my top 10 horror movies. I've seen it probably 5 times, it just doesn't hold up.

I think your problem is that you just don't like slow-paced things?
drealmer7: Lawrence of Arabia
Breja: It's absolutely superb. So given your taste in movies You'll probably hate it :D
I'm a pretty good judge of knowing ahead of time if I'll like a movie or not. I figure I'll think it is great, but I'll let you know.

Maybe I'll watch it in the next week or 2 when we're supposed to have hot hot weather, before summer goes away.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by drealmer7
drealmer7: I think your problem is that you just don't like slow-paced things?
Depends what you mean. I don't need action, action, action, but I do need something interesting be happening (which does not need to be action and explosions). I love movies that build tention well, or explore characters, and there's many super-long movies I love (like Branagh's Hamlet). But something like Barry Lyndon just doesn't justify it's running time.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by Breja
drealmer7: I think your problem is that you just don't like slow-paced things?
Breja: Depends what you mean. I don't need action, action, action, but I do need something interesting be happening (which does not need to be action and explosions). I love movies that build tention well, or explore characters, and there's many super-long movies I love (like Branagh's Hamlet). But something like Barry Lyndon just doesn't justify it's running time.
it absolutely does!! just like every single Kubrick film, there isn't a single millisecond of unnecessary content. man, I'd love to be able to see what your brain is seeing to understand it better

I'm curious if you've seen Quest for Fire ?
timppu: Eraserhead
I find this movie unbearably bad.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by drealmer7
drealmer7: it absolutely does!! just like every single Kubrick film, there isn't a single millisecond of unnecessary content.
Riiiiight... I think we're at an impasse :D

drealmer7: I'm curious if you've seen Quest for Fire ?
masterian: Vertigo and a few other Hitchcock films i either missed or was too young to remember.
The only thing I remember about The Birds is the telephone booth scene.

edit: Interesting:
Post edited August 31, 2017 by drmike
masterian: Vertigo and a few other Hitchcock films i either missed or was too young to remember.
drmike: The only thing I remember about The Birds is the telephone booth scene.
I remember when they accidentally blew the house up and Corey Feldman tells everyone that he called the pizza guy.

Oh wait, that was The Burbs.
tinyE: Oh wait, that was The Burbs.
"it came with the frame"

comes to mind every fucking time I see a frame for sale with a pic of someone in it (which isn't often because I don't go shopping, ever - but in the past...all the time!)

Breja: ...
before Full Metal Jacket I highly recommend watching the other 2 'war' movies that Kubrick did before Full Metal Jacket. It is the only genre where he sort of overlaps having done a genre that he did before, although they're so entirely different it's a stretch to say that a bit

Paths of Glory
Dr. Strangelove...
Post edited August 31, 2017 by drealmer7
Breja: ...
drealmer7: before Full Metal Jacket I highly recommend watching the other 2 'war' movies that Kubrick did before Full Metal Jacket. It is the only genre where he sort of overlaps having done a genre that he did before, although they're so entirely different it's a stretch to say that a bit

Paths of Glory
Dr. Strangelove...
Those two I'm actually somewhat looking forward too. For one, they have much more reasonable running time. I doubt even Kubrick could bore me in 90 minutes. Dr Strangelove also has Peter Sellers, and Paths of Glory I actually once saw a little bit of on TV, and it seemed really good. Unfortunately I didn't have the time to watch the whole thing right then.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by Breja
Breja: Peter Sellers
in multiple roles!
Matewis: Yeah same here. Currently I'm waiting for the right time to watch it. Not sure when that will be, but I'm sure one day I will wake up and realize 'today is the day...'
drealmer7: I highly recommend getting stoned first!
Uhm okaaay. I was think more along the lines of a pizza induced cheese high :P

drealmer7: matewis! stay away from the internet and movie info! I hate being spoiled too, that is horrible!
Don't I know it! At the moment I'm doing my best to avoid GoT spoilers but the damn things are everywhere! However sometimes staying off the internet and not even talking to people simply isn't enough: 2 years ago my boss did his best to avoid any info The Force Awakens related, but a visit to the cinema's lavatory beforehand ruined everything. While in a stall a talkative group of people walked in that had just seen the movie, and one of their loud topics was the biggest spoiler of the film (the one towards the end). Felt so bad for the guy :\
Matewis: 2 years ago my boss did his best to avoid any info The Force Awakens related, but a visit to the cinema's lavatory beforehand ruined everything.
I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed much eariler. Like when he first saw A New Hope.