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Star Trek 2: The Chest of Khan is being rereleased in September:

Still debating if I'm going to go see it. 2 hours in a seat at a theatre is kind of iffy for me. Especially with all those Star Wars fans you know are going to show up and be annoying.
Breja: I'm not much of a Kubrick fan. The only thing Space Odyssey is good for is simulating time dilation. It's just over two hours, but feels like two years.
Matewis: I haven't seen it in many years, but another thing I thought it did very well, especially compared to other sci-fi films : the sense of hopeless isolation.
True. That does describe what I was feeling when watching it very well :D
HereForTheBeer: ...
Been so long since I've since 2001: A Space Odyssey that it will be like watching it for the first time.
Matewis: Yeah same here. Currently I'm waiting for the right time to watch it. Not sure when that will be, but I'm sure one day I will wake up and realize 'today is the day...'
tinyE: Since when are Back to the Future 2 and 3 "classic/old films"? :P
Matewis: Shh man don't ruin it for me. The first one is a timeless classic and number 2 and 3 will be too dammit!!
Back To The Future 1-3 ARE timeless classics IMO. Never watch one without the others, it's a great trilogy to blaze through.

Oldies I'm looking forward to seeing, Battleship Potemkin from 1925. I have the bluray sitting here. Just need to crack it open.
Not quite what the thread is for, but I'm looking forward to watching some old movies again with my kids who will be seeing them for the first time. A few months ago my 9 year old son and I watched the original 1968 Planet of the Apes. He loved it and asked if there were other really old movies that are good. I went through a bunch of my favorites and so far he's most interested in Jaws, Spartacus and Predator.
Vertigo and a few other Hitchcock films i either missed or was too young to remember.
Thanks for reminding me that I have to watch Blade Runner. I know.
Matewis: Yeah same here. Currently I'm waiting for the right time to watch it. Not sure when that will be, but I'm sure one day I will wake up and realize 'today is the day...'

Shh man don't ruin it for me. The first one is a timeless classic and number 2 and 3 will be too dammit!!
tinyE: #3 is good, bordering on really good.
You're crazy. #2 is a very good. #3 is ok.

Everyone knows that movies made after 1979 cannot be considered classics, they are just movies that are a little bit older but really good.

Breja: Patton
A Passage to India
12 Angry Men

That's just some of them. And there's loads more classics I feel like I should watch, but don't really look forward to it (like Full Metal Jacket).
I watched 12 Angry Men for the first time a few weeks ago. I loved it. It's not for everyone but I found it surprisingly compelling.
Matewis: *gasp* thud!
Breja: I'm not much of a Kubrick fan. The only thing Space Odyssey is good for is simulating time dilation. It's just over two hours, but feels like two years.
I totally agreed. Tried watching it a few days ago. Got about 40 minutes into. I had aged 18 months.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by htown1980
Matewis: please use your own definition of old or classic :)
In my to-do list I've had quite a lot of obscure and quirky movies which seem to have a cult following (some are considered good, some bad, some I don't know):

Naked Lunch (I've seen parts of it, but not the whole movie yet)
The Machinist
Banlieue 13 Ultimatum (I loved the first (French) movie, so need to see the sequel; the American remake was stupid)
Lady Snowblood 1-2
Chocolate (a Thai martial arts movie from 2008)
Grave of the Fireflies (not sure if there are two separate movies of this, one with live actors and one animated?)
Metropolis (1927)
Salo (120 Days Of Sodom)
Savage (2009)
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Phantasm horror movies
Suicide Club 1-2

Then there are lots of Japanese violent (horror?) movies where I've gathered courage to watch, but maybe also felt what is the point if their main point is try to just shock me with graphic violence. I recall watching glimpses of one, seeing a scene of woman's nipples being cut off, and thought "OK! I think I have seen enough!". :D

Not sure if all these belong to this group

Ichi the Killer

I like the phychological horror, but not necessarily graphic violence.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by timppu
Matewis: I haven't seen it in many years, but another thing I thought it did very well, especially compared to other sci-fi films : the sense of hopeless isolation.
Breja: True. That does describe what I was feeling when watching it very well :D
*sigh* but lol that was good :)
timppu: ...
Have you seen The Host? I thought it was excellent. It's Korean though not Japanese, and it does qualify as horror I think (well it's a monster film and the monster kills people in awful ways), but it's pretty light on the violence from what I remember.
Matewis: please use your own definition of old or classic :)
timppu: 1984
which one?
Lady Snowblood has been filmed?! :-O Of course, there is Tarantino's ripoff Kill Bill, which was alright. Unless the violence is too nasty, my interest has been piqued.
There's these series of DVDs coming out here in Brazil called Cinema Samurai and Cinema Yakuza, each edition comes with 6 various classic japanese movies about the themes and I'd love to get my hands on them. The problem is that they're fairly expensive each and there are already a bunch of volumes of each (the Samurai one alone has 5 volumes, I think).

I'm not entirely sure about what are all the movies in those collections, but I know there's a lot of good stuff in there.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by Falci
Themken: Lady Snowblood has been filmed?! :-O
Loong time ago! No idea if they are any good, but it might be indeed I got to know them due to the Kill Bill movies, now that I think about it.

timppu: 1984
tinyE: which one?
This one:

But good to know there is also an older version (and maybe even an earlier before that, a BBC TV version?). It is a bit like I consider the 80s version for "Little Shop of Horrors" as the classic movie, even if it is apparently also a remake.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by timppu