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carnival73: Hmm.....looking again it might be a demo
jimbob0i0: That looks very odd... claims to be carmageddon but the screenshots seem off...
First is carmageddon Max Damage/Die Anna selection screen from Carma1
Second is Carmageddon 2 with the nosebleed expansion/patch it looks like (has the Eagle II not the first Eagle in the screen shot... plus the feed back of 'Vlad is out for blood etc' was a C2 feature.... there is no opponent health or thought status in C1).
The last screenshot is the Eagle III from the sequel that doesn't exist ;)

There was a C2 demo though and this appears to be a C1 demo ....

Given that the link you had requires installing the 'Softonic Downloader' I didn't grab the file to compare....

Edit: HOTU is possibly feasible.... It is on there looking now it seems but just the first and not to download directly but rather just info about it... and HOTU just like Abandonia and so on are not strictly 'legal' ways of obtaining games ;)
Yeah, after this thread last night I watched the vid for the Kickstarter. Also remembered my partner's little nephew telling me he got the first one online for free.

But now looking back at everything I was looking through last night - This game has been moded up and down a long with with all of the abandoneware museum sites like HotU and Abandonia there's probably several different complete and fully-functional end-user made copies of this game out there.

I could've sworn the first two Carmas were once on GOG but when I first found GOG it was through HotU and Abandonia so I may have just been confusing the lists that I was looking through at that time.
Post edited May 13, 2012 by carnival73
carnival73: Yeah, after this thread last night I watched the vid for the Kickstarter. Also remembered my partner's little nephew telling me he got the first one online for free.

But now looking back at everything I was looking through last night - This game has been moded up and down a long with with all of the abandoneware museum sites like HotU and Abandonia there's probably several different complete and fully-functional end-user made copies of this game out there.

I could've sworn the first two Carmas were once on GOG but when I first found GOG it was through HotU and Abandonia so I may have just been confusing the lists that I was looking through at that time.
Sounds quite likely - reading back my previous comment quoting you I realise I sound pretty harsh there - damn text! No offense was intended and just corrections to the factual side of things... I hope you don't take it otherwise....

I've got a full 3dfx/dosbox setup of carmageddon here on my Win7 laptop ... but I'd pay for a GOG version easily....

There's a pretty decent community over at that's included all sorts of modding (including bringing the C1/splat cars to C2) but it assumes that you'll get hold of the game from somewhere generally speaking...

I wonder marketing wise if it'd be best to get the C1/C2 games on GOG soon or if it'd be better to leave it till say 7-10 days left of the kickstarter campaign for C:R to 'optimise' for buzz to get the maximum possible pledges.... my instinct is pretty much telling me the latter - plus no doubt GOG has a lot of testing to do before they can support/sell the games plus there'd be contracts to draw up and so on.....
This game was good. Reincarnation will better. I hope they meet goal.
carnival73: Yeah, after this thread last night I watched the vid for the Kickstarter. Also remembered my partner's little nephew telling me he got the first one online for free.

But now looking back at everything I was looking through last night - This game has been moded up and down a long with with all of the abandoneware museum sites like HotU and Abandonia there's probably several different complete and fully-functional end-user made copies of this game out there.

I could've sworn the first two Carmas were once on GOG but when I first found GOG it was through HotU and Abandonia so I may have just been confusing the lists that I was looking through at that time.
jimbob0i0: Sounds quite likely - reading back my previous comment quoting you I realise I sound pretty harsh there - damn text! No offense was intended and just corrections to the factual side of things... I hope you don't take it otherwise....

I've got a full 3dfx/dosbox setup of carmageddon here on my Win7 laptop ... but I'd pay for a GOG version easily....

There's a pretty decent community over at that's included all sorts of modding (including bringing the C1/splat cars to C2) but it assumes that you'll get hold of the game from somewhere generally speaking...

I wonder marketing wise if it'd be best to get the C1/C2 games on GOG soon or if it'd be better to leave it till say 7-10 days left of the kickstarter campaign for C:R to 'optimise' for buzz to get the maximum possible pledges.... my instinct is pretty much telling me the latter - plus no doubt GOG has a lot of testing to do before they can support/sell the games plus there'd be contracts to draw up and so on.....
No offense taken - And I'd toss the games up soon while the Kickstarter has put it fresh in everyone's memory. I'm pretty sure there were a lot like me that ran looking to try the first two games once the saw the kickstarter.

I avoided the first releases back in the day because I thought they were trying to captalize on negative press like Manhunt and Postal did.

Recently playing Clutch and getting FlatOut from the Gala I realized how much depth those two games had and they were racers for people, like myself, who don't normally play racers - This got me to thinking that there may have been more depth to Carmageddon then what I had expected back in the nineties.

The first Carmageddon game can be found, with expansion, multiplayer modded in and polished up but it's not totally legitimate. I think it's still semi-easy to find in Google searches however as it appears to be tolerated (locations that still have it don't keep stuff up for very long if not tolerated - They're heavily monitored by EULA) - Most likely for promotional purposes for the minority that happen upon it.

C2 appears to be somewhat of an official no-no naughty still because any existence of abandoneware copies have been replaced with a small ripped version that serves, more or less, like a demo.

It's hard nowadays to determine what's warez, demo, freeware, MOD, Fan Remake or freely given away with consent. =/
New update in the comments... here's the most interesting (IMHO) info:
@ Veav: “Will you be able to see the drivers in other cars?” Yes. And those drivers will, sometimes, be ejected through the windscreen of their car as the result of a massive impact!
@Vincent Villella: BOTH copies (or ALL copies) of the game will each receive the custom Eagle skin. [Note: This was asking if the multiple copies for the tiers of $50+ will all get the special Eagle skin/car or just the 'primary' one]
@Danil_K: The only pedestrian vehicles in the game will be a limited number of “municipal” vehicles, such as trucks, street cleaners, buses, etc. Streets full of drone AI cars is just annoying – it gets in the way of chasing your opponents down. The Beaver City track in Carma 2 was irritating for this reason.
@ Steve Strang: No, we wouldn’t spend the budget on licensed music. We’d rather write a bit of code to make it easier to use your own playlists in your 3rd party music player than do that (as JudB in the next post suggested). We’re talking to various people about getting music written for the game, though.
@ Darkscale: We’ll be using Steamplay for online MP on PC. If cross-play can be implemented effectively, then we’ll want to incorporate it.
@ mukki (and others): The platform lineup is: Windows PC, Mac. If Linux is deemed cost effective to port our entire engine tech to, for a native conversion, then we’ll do it (but we can’t say yes or no yet). PS3 and Xbox 360 will follow. The speed that versions other than Win PC Steam appear will be dictated by how well we manage to exceed our target.
@ Gino Badouri (& many others): We won’t be able to add Paypal support during the Kickstarter campaign. Having no Paypal support is due to the way Kickstarter is set up – it’s nothing to do with Stainless. Thanks to Darkscale for also explaining this. For legal and logistical reasons we couldn’t have a Paypal pledging option on our website during the KS campaign. We may be able to add a Paypal page to our own page once the Kickstarter campaign ends, where you could continue to pledge (and get Rewards).
@ SXX: We would need console approval, it’s true. So the console versions are not guaranteed to be 100% the same as the PC version.
@ Oleksii: “is it doable to raise 174K in 23 days with current regressing dynamics?” In the internets we trust. And we know that the graph of every Kickstarter campaign describes a U-shape. Plus, we’re working on a couple of announcements to go out over the next two weeks, which will hopefully help raise the profile. I might even have to appear in another video…
A couple of announcements to raise the profile eh?

I wonder what those could be ;)
I used to 'design' games when I was a kid, which basically meant I would come up with ideas and draw loads of pictures. I always wanted to play a game where you could drive around in armoured and armed cars, destroying other cars and blowing pedestrian saps away. I never found a game that combined exactly what I'd imagined but eventually they came out with Carmageddon, I76 and GTA.

I still remember playing the old Carmageddon demo, with the 5 minute limit which I would repeatedly reload, listening to Fear Factory sans vocals and just wrecking the place. I used to drive up to the top of the highest building and drive off just for the hell of it. That game was awesome!

Before I knew GOG existed, I used to dream of being able to play Carmageddon (one of my favourite games) on my PC again. I could never get the old discs working, I don't have a clue how to do any fiddly technical stuff to get a rip or whatever working from the internet and I genuinely gave up on the idea for good.

I'm really excited about the Kickstarter and hope they get the game together and I hope that it's good, but the possibility of being able to play the original (hopefully on GOG) again gives me kid-looking-forward-to-Christmas levels of excitement. I reckon I'd pull a sickie off work for a solid week just to play it. If GOG get it, I'll be going nuts. Fingers crossed!
Maybe GOG should buy its way into the project so it can be sold here, this could be the motherload so to speak.
Just a thought.
Some new updates in comments from Stainless Games:
* Picture to make it clearer what is on each tier
* PC release is first - intention is to do Mac release second making use fo SteamPlay so whoever buys it for PC gets it for Mac automatically.
* Alternative ways to provide payment for pledging added to FAQ

First update video too in updates page - brief synopsis....
* Thanks for pledging so far
* Keep up the awareness 'campaign' to help raise pledges
* Reddit AMA coming this weekend
* Paypal not possible until target reached (kickstarter policies)
* Pre-order will be at least $20 once that stage reached.
* Steam they have experience with so logical for them to use it.
* Will be offline LAN multiplayer with no internet connection.
* Cross platform will be lovely and they have the experience and knowledge to do it - but it needs money to do so.
* Prat cam (featuring Tony) is back 100% confirmed.
* Team super happy to rights back - Nobby 100% focused on C:R.
* Crowdfunding gives them the opportunity to do competitions and feedback direct with backers rather than direction of what to do.

Edit: Posted a self post in /r/gaming with the compiled updates so far:
Any redditors around help promote the message! ;)
Post edited May 17, 2012 by jimbob0i0
jimbob0i0: * Prat cam (featuring Tony) is back 100% confirmed.
I do hope they get Anna back too, I found her far more hilarious than Damage. =D
jimbob0i0: * Prat cam (featuring Tony) is back 100% confirmed.
Strijkbout: I do hope they get Anna back too, I found her far more hilarious than Damage. =D
Yeah that'd be good...

Well their reddit AMA is now officially scheduled
Okay, our 2 hour Reddit AMA is now scheduled. It's going to be happening on Saturday, 19th May, and here are the times in Internationalspeak:

10pm UK time
11pm Central Europe
5pm New York/East Coast
2pm Pacific/West Coast
So make sure the question gets asked ;)
New update with a new reward...

At the $150 tier in addition to the previous reward you will now also get real physical models of the original Eagle and the new Eagle for Reincarnation!
I get:
2 physical eagle cars
Poster of my choice
Carmageddon playing cards
Physical box copy
4 digital copies
What-was-that-ingame-content? (some cars?)

Upped my donation to $150
Post edited May 19, 2012 by Dave3d
Best mayhemic racing game ever made needs bump!

We're almost at 300K and the folks announced the possibility of a DRM-FREE version.
Quotting it here for your convenience :

"t’s entirely possible that we could end up with an option to release a DRM free “slightly slimmer” version of the game, alongside the Steam one. It would lack all the features that we’re going to take advantage of through Steam, including online multiplayer (at least to start with). This might not be enough of a positive response to reassure those with an issue about our current stated approach – but we ARE looking at it, and I hope to be able to say more on the issue of DRM Free, soon."
Post edited May 22, 2012 by Epitaph666
They just announced that there will be a DRM-free version of Carmageddon (single player and LAN multiplayer, PC only), to be released sometime after the Steam version of the game is finished.
spindown: They just announced that there will be a DRM-free version of Carmageddon (single player and LAN multiplayer, PC only), to be released sometime after the Steam version of the game is finished.
Noooo.... it means that now I don't have any excuses left not to back it up :-)

(looks like my Kickstarter budget for this month is again going though the roof)
Post edited May 23, 2012 by Gersen