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Densen, on the ps2.
Launch title for the ps2, cancelled. Made by the same folks who brought us UmiharaKawase. Should've been glorious! :(
Here's another vid.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by vicklemos
mainly TEARS (approx. 1995). it would be very nice oldie now.

watch pictures , [url=]2, 3

i really shed tears when it was cancelled :¨-)
Post edited December 10, 2015 by flanner
 ▪  Star Trek: Secret of Vulcan Fury   ( 1999 )
 ▪  Full Throttle: Payback  –and–  Full Throttle: Hell on Wheels   ( 2000 & 2003 )
 ▪  Beyond Good & Evil 2 ¹   ( 2007+ )
 ¹  According to <span class="bold">Wikipedia</span>, the game is in active development.   *fingers crossed*
Post edited December 10, 2015 by _Slaugh_
Project Y, anyone remembers that one?
More than anything probably Outcast 2 :(
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Post edited December 10, 2015 by Matewis
Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned. I was looking forward for a good pirate game, but... Well, this ship sank.

I would also say Beyond Good and Evil 2, but I believe it to be in development, so it shouldn't count as cancelled yet. Postponed maybe.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by Dessimu
Yeshu: Project Y, anyone remembers that one?
I think I remember reading about it in a gaming magazine. Here's an ign link:

I seem to recall that there was to be two weapon lines, a scientific one and a military one, and I guess you had to choose. The military weapons were standard rocketlauncher/machine gun types while the science line had all manner of weird weapons, uhm, sciency weapons. Looked really cool.
Dead Rush

It's an open world zombie game developed by Treyarch for the PlayStation 2, Gamecube and Xbox. An E3 preview in Nintendo Power magazine dubbed the gameplay "Grand Theft Undead", while Official UK PlayStation 2 Magazine called it "Grand Theft Evil."

The game would have taken place in the town of Eastport where a massive earthquake has destroyed most of humanity. As Jake, a character suffering from memory loss, the player's job was to try to find out exactly what happened in Eastport, which is now overflowing with zombies.

The game's main claim to fame was the fact that as Jake, players could operate one of several vehicles scattered around town. Not only would this provide the player with a means of transportation but it would also serve as armour of sorts. The zombies in Eastport would try to wreck whatever car Jake was driving. Luckily the player could create new vehicles out of parts of previously demolished cars.


Dead Rush Trailer
Matewis: More than anything probably Outcast 2 :(
This was a good games...finished it at least 3 times, last time probably 5-6 years ago...
Prey 2
This game has already more awesome unreleased games than Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have actually released the whole year.
What's the meaning of this?
Post edited December 10, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Another good one, played it a while ago too, wanted to check for a follow up, but could never remember the name of the damn game...

I think of baldur's gate 3 as a game I would have loved to get my hands on.
Prey 2
Arcanum's follow up
Troika's post apocalyptic game before they went tits up
Obsidian's Aliens RPG
Van Buren
Full Throttle's sequel

All of them.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by leon30