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Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
I'll just stay hidden and make sure to have my knife at all times. Conserve as much ammo as possible and don't trust anybody. Being in a group attracts unwanted attention.
Knowing how the Walking Dead lore goes, it's almost impossible to build a coherent community without someone fucking it up for everyone and forcing survivors to run away and find another community, and then repeating the same mistake over and over again because people in TWD are morons and we're more likely to get killed by fellow human and not zom.... walker.

In the end, the most important lesson is the character who went lone wolf ended up surviving better. So here I am, living alone, maybe hooking with a girl but I don't expect to meet her again alive because like I said, some jackass might swing his bat at her head.
Gather as much supplies as I could, destroy my stairs leading to the second floor of my house, replace them with a ladder.
Gotta have something to keep the monotony of of day to day survival away, so i'd probably play my massive backlog of games i've got lol.

Of course you'd need electricity, so i'd scavenge for and setup solar panels, wind generators, & hydroelectric equipment, which would also help in other areas of survival. A win win.
Probably, search for as much food and watter I could, and hide at some romete place to try to survive for my self.
I'd take a boat out to the nearest offshore wind farm. Strong, windowless metal structures that generate their own electricity and are surrounded by water. And you can put out nets and lines to catch seafood.

Fresh water is an issue so I'd probably pick one that's close to the coast for occasional raids for water and veggies. If anyone wants to join me I promise not to spend too much time singing 'I am the pirate king' on these raids.
I would first of all pack everything i would need for me ans my family to survive. Then i would cook a luxurious last dinner for us to eat. After I would load the car and head for my familly house in the mountains, walls from stone and big fence 3 hours drive in the mountains from the nearest city and a well. While underway i would break in a supermarket and steal provisions and an ammo shop to take ammunition for my village shotguns. While underway i would also call all my kin to share the location with them so we can gather a small army. When we have finally settled in the village home, i would pick my car and a cousin and try to find a helicopter to steal and some heavier weapon to have as backup plan. If everything fails i take the choper to the harboer where I gave my ship and set sail.
I would probably not survive :)
If such situation arises, the first thing I'm gonna do is make sure my family is safe coz family comes first no matter what. But that doesn't mean I won't help people other than my family members in fact, I'll try to help as much people as I can. So, the second thing is, you guessed it, find weapons to smash some rotten skulls! And making sure in the process that all of my family and friends have something to defend themselves when I'm not around. And then we'll start moving to the country side, where the infection will spread much slower than an urban area (Yes I learned that from the walking dead telltale series hehe.). Lastly, I'll search and start collecting food stuff and water with my loved ones to survive. And in this way, we'll try to survive every single day hoping we don't turn into a walker. Btw u have a bat with lots of nails that I made when I was a kid because I was so scared of my zombie like neighbour who used to make scary noises every night (he was just a stupid drunkard btw.). Haha thanks a lot for doing this giveaway and giving us a chance! GOG I love you so much for this!
first i will grab a machet or a big knife to protect myself. my granpa was an hunter so i will grab his rifle and go somewhere high in the mounains . i whould build a cabin or find one and i will settle there. the zombies can climb so thats why. in the food departament I will set traps to catch some animals or grow myself some plants
I'm do a hard-reset
Find some other survivors. Because alone I would definitely die.
I'll just simply prepare; regardless if a zombie apocalypse occurs or not. Better to be safe than sorry.
If I found myself in the walking dead, I will back light with what ever I can fit inside a backpack, a small first aid kit, a jacket for cold nights, one pair of spare clothes just in case, wires, a survival knife not only for self defense but also a tool to make either make shift weapons or help build a fire, small game traps, or shelter, salt to make animal meat last longer, two water bottle to reuse, a portable water filter for rivers and lakes, a rubber mallet though not as effective as a hammer but more durable and reliable incase for non-lethal takedowns on other humans if their hostile, and a snub -nose revolver with one box of ammo to use in fights I cannot avoid. I would first call my loved ones to stay away from crowds to keep calm and to go to places that are safe and have less populations and to leave any message on where they will go when I visit their soon to be former homes, before the lines go down.
Than I start traveling first by bike, avoiding traffic and heavy populated areas, stop by small stores to grab non-perishables to make them last as much of I can, get out of the city by taking the least traveled areas and backroads, once out I travel to my family that lives on the other side of the state, rest only when necessary away from the highways and only on high locations only a human can climb to and set a trap alarm using my keys or empty cans with the wire. collect water from passing by water sources and filter them, only use fire to cook any game I successfully gained and put out before night fall. stay silent and sneak when having no choice when looking through abandoned building for supplies, help only the few survivors I come across if they are not hostile, by either help repair their car, heal any wounds, or to leave at least a few cans or dry meat I can spare.
Kill walkers only if they are in the way, no need to draw attention to myself if I can avoid it. Kill any hostile survivors and cannibals, they are only worth more trouble in the long run not only for me but also other survivors, I would use my gun to not only shoot to kill but to draw a Hoard to our location for the hostile survivors to deal with them while I either escort any hostage or myself away from there.
Finally when I get to my final destination and find the message I was looking for I will get to my family to help them survive, hope they are still alive. If not I will put them to rest, and survive on my own traveling helping when I can, till I die from either naturally or by my own hand with only one bullet surrounded by herd, bitten and with no escape.
Post edited October 29, 2021 by ZedsniperWolf
Probably be among the dead. Seriously though I would get my neighbors to help fortify our area. Then we would plant as much produce as possible and since we are in a semi rural area with farms near by try and barter for chickens or turkeys for the eggs. Then to tackle the issue of drinking water. Water purification happens to be with in walking distance so we would have to raid it for the chemicals or barring that set up rain barrels and boil.