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Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
I would choose to learn how to practice voodoo magic in hopes it could affect the zombies to where they would not be able to attack me.
I will grab a katana (quality made, mind you), chop off jaws and hands of two nearest zombies, put them on a chain, cover myself with thier entrails and head out to the world to find out what happened and to make sense out of it all.
jm.maksiu: I will eat all zombies.
You will become a zombie if you'll eat it. ;D
Supposing it is only me to be worried about (no other relative, friend, beloved one), my plan since the beggining:

01) I'd take Michone's path: Hunt a crew of zombies (at least 4), remove their teeth, jabs and arms, chain them on their necks & waists and walk in middle of -my crew- to disguise the rest of the zombies and even the hostile human survivors around...

02) That would open the opportunity to get a LOT of supplies needed *reminder: money is no longer a limitation, it becomes a scavenging duty (:* meds, food, clothes, metal arms (knives, machetes, swords), fire arms, good survival kits (self powered lamp, lighter, reflective blankets, slinger, whistle, mirror, laser pointer, compass, paper maps, etc), radio, transmitter, antennas, a couple of laptops, a power source (diesel, solar), tools, seeds, useful books: survival, plants, farming, hunting

03) I'd stay at home the first week (I consider I could fill a couple of rooms with the supplies without causing me trouble to also live there with my zombie crew)

04) Get a mid size transport: Truck / Cargo Van and towing

05) Relocate to a factory / bigger building

06) Get a big size transport: Bus / Trailer, and a Gas tank (full filled) and shield them with metal properly

07) Make a plan to move to a zone with low population: Could be an island, jungle, mountains --depends on the specific situation, location, people involved, number of zombies on the crew, etc--

08) Execute the plan on 07

09) Once on my final destination, learn and start living from my own actions: agriculture, hunting, fishing. As since the beggining considered communications on the supplies (radio, transmitter, antennas, a couple of laptops) assign plenty of time to reach another survivors with 2 purposes:

A) Understand and map if the zombie menace is growing/decreasing and rellocate if needed

B) Get informed the progress on cure/research on zombies

--Note: Alliances with strangers while executing the listed steps are possible but highly depend on the specific situation(s) and proper cost/benefit analysis--
Rally the people of my village and fortify its borders while stockpiling food, crops and makeshift weapons. Oh, and hope for the best, of course...
I would strap a rocket to my back and climb the tallest tree and Launch!!
I'd be like Ezekiel and befriend a tiger to protect me!
I'd write all my experiences down so that after I survive, I can sell a fictionalized account of what I witnessed and make a multi-million dollar franchise including comics, TV shows, and video games.
Make my Evil Overlod Fortress in a volcano.

Plenty of geothermal energy, the lava-pit prevents zombies to reach me, the ground is fertile - perfect time to be an Evil Overlord.
And as one do, hire some Mad Scientists, and create the cure. What I'll sell for One. Billion. Dollar!
Well, this would be my plan:

1: When the web starts with rumors about anything that resembles walkers, is time to prepare. You can't look over these kind of news, knowing about the situation before it gets to your location is key to your survival.

2: Time to make a plan, you don't know how much time you have for SHTF, so you have to be quick: Pack all the things you'd take if something happens. If things didn't go south already, start stockpiling food, water and medicine, when the chaos arrives, you will not have the oportunity. Remember: The first thing that would go out is electricity, so gas and water becames scarse, and food will not get restocked.

3: Once the riots starts, people will loot stores and start killing each other, law enforcement would be overpowered, and the goverment will fall. Without any law and order, you will be a target, so you have to be able to protect yourself. The first week, you should stay bugging in until everything stops, probably a week or so. This will increase your chances of surviving.

4: The walkers will get to your location, this is the time to study their behavior and if you live in the city make a bug out plan to move to a remote location. If you live in the country side, you will have some advantage, and if you want, you can start making your fortress.

5: Once the population decreases, and walkers flood everything, survivors will start to get desperate, and in consequence, they will became dangerus. This is time for you to think if you want to open your place to new people, or became a lone wolf. Both have their pros and cons. For example, a lone wolf would be more stealthy, consume less suplies and easier to move, but it would be more vulnerable. And a large group will be better when you have to make chores, you will have more chances of getting people with valuable skills, and be safer for loot runs, but a large group is harder to keep fed, and the decision making progress would be difficult.

6: If you can make it the first months, you can start building your skillset. Farming, fishing, hunting, etc, are things that you will have to know to survive. So, time will no longer be a thing, live every second as if it was the last.

7: Just, survive. You will meet new people, good and bad, you will kill and you will have to live with it, you will lose friends and family, but you will survive.

Don't trust blindly, keep your head low, and if someone with a mullet tries to talk to you in private, RUN.
I would eliminate all zombies, simple as that... :)
avatar ...stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.
I would turn off the computer.
Since I'm in the US suburbs and already extremely stocked up on toilet paper due to having IBS and have a tall fence around my house, my best option is to stock up on enough food and water to last a few years while convincing the family that we need to fortify the fence/house, then stay home like I'm hiding from the zombie pandemic and let gun enthusiasts deal with the zombies.

I have bad knees so cannot help with culling zombies.
I would head to the library and read books until the end.
Channel my inner Forest Gump and never stop running.