randomuser.833: To be fair, the Fallout games were among the first games GoG has sold...
Mirrorio: Got proofs for _any_ of that?
Even better, got proofs of any of that in any Fallout game being on same level with sick shite from thread I quoted? But it'll probably be asking too damn much.
YOU only write about canibalism.
In every god damn fallout game you can play a canibal. There is a god damn trait for for healing from eating enemies.
Not only for the old ones but F3, F:NV and F4 too.
So whats your point?`
And about your made up pedo wannabe stuff.
These days we got plenty of 18 year olds playing 14 year olds or even younger in real media.
Now, those are legal or not?
According to you - no.
Well, it is made up by you and only you. So I don't even care about that point.
Games tell you how old a character is. Not your imagination based on the look.
End of story.