Posted June 23, 2019

I only played this the other day on whatever the daily build was 2-3 days ago, so it was pretty recent.
The gatling gun was not there from the first time I visited his shop (though I never went back for a second visit - I recall that if you do this on day 4 he uses the gun to blow you away due to your fugitive status, but didn't test this).
About Grigorian's VK, I re-checked and you're right. If you VK Runciter then you won't be able to VK Grigorian. It's a side-effect of enabling VK for Runciter in the uncut version. It kind of makes sense to leave this "bug" in, since McCoy won't need to recalibrate the test if he has already tested Runciter, but it makes sense to fix it anyway -- so I'll probably go with that.
Grigorian already says lots of stuff that can lead to incriminate him, and he mentions people with resources after the "underground railway" (and he also told that to Steele); it's pretty much obvious what he means (access to transport means) in that context. The extra bit of dialogue just clarifies it. He still does not name people in that restored bit.
About the locked meetup point in hard mode I decided that it would be best to keep it only in one mode and that's the hard mode. I supposed it could be moved in the future, so that it's only locked after the meet up (which would render it pointless, but still) or that the description about the round platform is removed in that case (hard mode). Still McCoy could know about the layout of the sewers (the player doesn't, but McCoy is working in the city, he known stuff already :)
The "sunglasses" Izo clue bugged me too. And like you've said, it's not the only inconsistency you can find, but it is a jarring one.
And if we're nitpicking, McCoy does not have a reason to ask Grigorian about those guys, not until after the murder in day two -- and probably still not until he's got clues about the one and has seen/met the other (Izo). It should be more fitting to have him ask about this only after he has met Izo and has a description of the Rastafarian, so that there's a reason for mentioning the glasses (albeit Izo is too pixelized for the player to tell). But that would mean some extra back and forth in day two.
About the Rachael meeting. Guzza has his own "schedule" starting from day two. He'll still be in his office sometimes.
However, that's not the extra meetings I'm referring to :). The meeting at Tyrell\s is a prerequisite to get the extra meetings, but those happen at McCoy's building (in the elevator or outside on the ground level) later (on is in Act 3 and the other in Act 4). And you have to get the second meeting in order to get the third/final.
About Act 4 issues. Police men and rats have some buggy AI in Act 4. It could lead to some unfair or weird stuff happening. That is an original's bug, too. We've fixed some of these, but more are pending, and what you're describing is a police officer taking shots at McCoy from off-screen or a hidden post and McCoy has no ability to react (or very little time). A bug that will be fixed eventually.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by PraetorianWolfie