cowboyupinblue: I just found out about this.
Wiki: [url=]link[/url]
Screens: link It appears to be some kind of point-and-click with fully integrated movie animations for characters. Has anyone played it? I'm kinda shocked this isn't on GOG.
Yes, I have it and in great "good as new" condition too.
It's a great game, one of the greatest point and click adventures ever made.
It's also a perfect example of how you can create an excellent game based on a movie, even if you don't have the same actors, same soundtrack or same plot as the movie did. Sadly not too many other games have even tried to do anything like that.
As for the game being on GOG, that is challenging to say the least. I might say impossible, but somehow they managed to release Star Trek adventures, so there's some hope for Blade Runner as well.
Randalator: I have. It's a good game with great atmosphere, it's just a shame that the "branching stories" approach doesn't quite work if you're a completionist. It relies on you missing clues to send you on certain paths, so if you discover all or most of the clues it feels like the writer didn't know where he wanted to take the story.
And the combat sucks.
Actually branching stories works quite well, I think, which adventure games have made it as good or even better than Blade Runner? It should also be remembered that Blade Runner was sort of a front runner in branching stories adventure games, maybe their approach wasn't perfect, but they were trying to create something that really hadn't been done before, and not really since either.
BR wasn't a shooter, so of course the combat features can't be compared with games that mostly rely on them. What BR did was give a player a choice. In some cases you could choose to shoot a person, or take a different approach, which again created an additional layer of interactivity and sense of reality in the game world. Again it wasn't perfectly made, but there aren't many games which have tried to implement a feature like this.