tfishell: I kinda disagree,
imo if we can get more games here that people want, like Skyrim and Fallout 4 and (in my case) original Doom 3, then Bethesda should be rewarded for actually bringing them.
I agree with rewarding good behavior and the like. However they've gone way in the deep end. The easiest way to have them change would be to really hurt their pocketbook by refusing to give them any money. On the other hand if they keep getting money changes in Bethesda for the better are delayed or perhaps even go away as they survive off old products.
That's what i notice about a lot of corrupt companies, they have a LONG line of old successful products to use as a back catalog.
Let's take Disney. Disney is doing stupid choices, however even if several movies fail to give them money, they rely on older classics that people still will pay for, even as they do a 8th 9th or 10th re-release as 'gold silver platinum Pseudo 3D with 3 extra songs and updating the visuals' which doesn't mean they are giving a new product, they are just reselling an older product and some people with good fond memories may buy the newest release. Not to mention the Disney Micky-mouse copyright extension they pushed back early 2000's and got through which screws with copyright in a way that only corporations can take advantage of them, and by the time they are going to expire again they will push it from 70+life to some other absurd number so they never have to give away any part of their monopoly.
I have to take things simply; If i see a company favorably i will buy from them. If not i won't, even if they have good products from the past. I see a LOT of companies being unfavorable right now. Apple, Microsoft, Google, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Gillette, Hershey's, among others.