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Made by the same folks who made the Shadowrun Returns series for the PC. Looks awesome for battletech fans!

I've never kickstarted anything...but am sorely tempted on this one, as I love the Mechwarrior/Battletech world, and doubt we'll see the Mechwarrior games on gog anytime soon or ever.

Anyway, thought I'd share that link for any Battletech lurkers hanging out on the forums.
Live and funded with incredible speed it seems. I suppose essentially (although this might be a bit too cynical) they're not straying too far from their well trodden territory here. It's top down tactical battles with upgradable equipment etc. Not too far from Shadowrun in terms of mechanics. Naturally I doubt that this will include any RPG elements and it should be a lot more tactical. But well within their proven capabilities all the same.

I still have doubts about the legal aspects of this. So many people think they own mech designs and are willing to fight tooth and nail for them that this might unravel even if funding goes through the roof.

Also gotta note the crafty stretch goals. They admit that Stage 1 is something they're funding themselves. Yet Stage 2 is $1,000,000 but their target is only a quarter of that. Meaning that if things didn't go as well as they're going then they could have walked away with quarter of a million dollars for a project they didn't need any more money for. I like these guys but I think they should have bit the bullet and set the bar at $1M.
Post edited September 29, 2015 by Navagon
Navagon: Live and funded with incredible speed it seems. I suppose essentially (although this might be a bit too cynical) they're not straying too far from their well trodden territory here. It's top down tactical battles with upgradable equipment etc. Not too far from Shadowrun in terms of mechanics. Naturally I doubt that this will include any RPG elements and it should be a lot more tactical. But well within their proven capabilities all the same.

I still have doubts about the legal aspects of this. So many people think they own mech designs and are willing to fight tooth and nail for them that this might unravel even if funding goes through the roof.
My understanding is that they have the approval for models and stuff from PGI (MWO).
MrGOTIME: My understanding is that they have the approval for models and stuff from PGI (MWO).
Yeah, and MWO hasn't been sued (yet). But someone who's not willing to take on MWO might see Battletech as a more suitably sized target for their legal team. The mech waters are incredibly murky and poisonous with lots of vague things incredibly litigious people think they own.
It will include some RPG elements once they reach the Stage 2 and 3 goals, just look here for some more info:

And especially the tactical sim with some rpg elements is something the fans of the board game were waiting for, There are still quite many around the world and it spread fast in social networks. Yet I hope the kickstarter wont slow down tooo fast. Bards Tale 4 was very fast at start and then really got slower and slower.

Still with Shadowrun they showed that they can deliver and so many people want it so that hopefully all stages get pledged ;)
*crashes in* Did someone said Battletech?
And I backed it because I want really it so much!
Post edited September 29, 2015 by l0rdtr3k
Navagon: Live and funded with incredible speed it seems. <snip> But well within their proven capabilities all the same.
Not too surprising. They've proven they can put out a product, the product's good and as expected, only to be expected people are willing to dump it a project that seems to have a higher chance of success than ones that promise the moon and then fail miserably.
rtcvb32: Not too surprising. They've proven they can put out a product, the product's good and as expected, only to be expected people are willing to dump it a project that seems to have a higher chance of success than ones that promise the moon and then fail miserably.
Absolutely. They're being very smart about this, which is always encouraging. Also, I'd imagine that anything a bit more 3D might step on MWO's toes. So probably isn't an option anyway.
Not surprising that this one funded quikcly. I'm not interested about this one myself, at least yet, but HBS has a good track record and Battletech is one of those well loved titles. Even I have good memories from Crescent Hawks Inception. Hell, if this new one promises to do something like that, I'd me more that willing to throw in a couple of bucks.
I'm among the crowd that thinks this ks investment to the worth it. They proved before they can deliver and if the end result is something close to what Front Mission 3 was, i'll be happy. If they fail, well the ride is worth something too.
Watching it now. Usually not a fan of multiplayer by any means, but I still like the idea of building a strong lance and blasting the everloving crap out of people with it.
CarrionCrow: Watching it now. Usually not a fan of multiplayer by any means, but I still like the idea of building a strong lance and blasting the everloving crap out of people with it.
Grargar: Multiplayer?
The last stretch goal. At 2.5 million, player-versus-player combat gets included.
CarrionCrow: The last stretch goal. At 2.5 million, player-versus-player combat gets included.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the game in general and not just its stretch goal.
Well I'm a backer now. This thing looks to be soaring now. Usually the way these things go is there's an initial surge, a drop off then a resurgence near the end. I wonder how far this will get before the drop off? I reckon it will hit $1M easily enough. After that might be a struggle.