snowkatt: that be win 98 SE
i tried xp sp 2 on both vpc and virtual box and alas i have been thwarted with the same debugger error
and finding drivers for emulation computers is uhh not gonna be easy
midtown madness has the bullshit error that it cant find its cd rom even when its in the bloody drive
but i knew that already
so thus far vmware workstation 12 player comes out as the winner
Matewis: Looks like I might end up eating
my words then :P Somehow I thought it would be smoother sailing. The only thing I've ever used virtual pc for was for an xp installation so that I can use my older version of matlab. Never did try running a game on it from what I can remember.
It's a trivial suggestion, but I'll ask anyway: did you try a nocd crack on midtown madness?
snowkatt: ...
but i also have windows 2000 sp4
are you thinking what i am thinking ?
Matewis: good lord :D
I want whatever it is you put in your coffee! We're in the same timezone and it's damn near midnight lol! I can't imagine what the context is going to be but I'm sure I'm going to dream about win 9x OSs and coding emulators tonight thanks to you!
no i didnt try a no cd crack on mid town madness
i did let it loos on vmware 12
and the game installed and it got running but sadly i didnt get in to the game proper
the graphics wouldnt load
..not this time around anyway
and i am pursuing this in the name of science !
and i got a fuckload of windows discs
i even have vista and windows 8
all oem's
im going to have another go at trying to get midtown madness to run in a lower resolution
and then windows 2000 !