Dartpaw86: I want to call it OCD but I'm certain that's wrong. But I can't stand having incomplete game collections, despite of course games like the later Serious Sam, Elder Scrolls and Fallout titles are on Steam.
But I mean games that are unavailable anyway.
I have Monkey Island 1, 2 immediately jumps to 5.
Myst 1, 2 immediately jumps to 5.
The first 5 Wizardry's aren't present.
I'm sorry but I'm a completionist, and yes I know with Myst and Wizardry they are copyright issues. (Which no-one seems to want to bother to make any sort of agreement anything soon) and the Monkey Island titles are likely going to get remastered eventually. But still... it really bothers me.
reveal how much stuff we are missing.
As for Myst, the owners of the series (Cyan) have been trying for many years to come to an agreement with Ubisoft for Myst 3 and 4, but they haven't been successful so far.