fronzelneekburm: Bruh, saying that HL2 is kind of a meh game isn't revisionist history, it's a fact. It's just that the people who praised it to high heaven way back when were wrong all along.
And this being VR seems to indicate that it'll continue on the same path that HL2 went: One step forward in technology, two steps backward in gameplay.
Linko64: 'It's fact'
I feel like i could write a lengthy article on why this is a wrong statement and you'd still just 'nah it sucks bruh'
I just read your post re: Quake 4 in another thread...
Quake 4 is a mess of 'should we make it slower paced and comply to standards of the time, or keep it fast like old Quakes? No! How about we put in 400 turret sections, repetitive level design, 5867 elevators and pay tribute to our history of crap bosses by adding in crap bosses. We'll throw in some boring guns too.
A solid take! But it does make me wonder why you would consider HL2 to be anything other than meh, considering it suffers from many of those exact same cardinal sins.
To add to the list:
- Vastly downgraded weapon and enemy variety compared to HL1
- Endless gimmicky vehicle sections where you're basically just following straight lines. Not turret sections per se, but the equivalent of a turret section: Pointless filler that detracts from what you should be actually be doing (ie shooting stuff)
- Repetetive, boring physics puzzles
- Endless expository blather from NPCs that you can't even kill
- Patronizing congratulatory blather from NPCs for performing idiotic chores a 3-year-old could do. "Wow, Mr Freeman! No one managed to climb through that air duct as fast as you did!"
- Most of the music is recycled from the first game
- I fucking hate Alyx. She's basically the precursor to the types of FPS where you have to follow NPCs around so they can open doors for you.
- Inflexible scripted events to instill a false sense of urgency (I mean, how fucking complicated can it be to just have some enemies
eventually barge down that door at the start of the game).
It's not a bad game, but it's a massive,
massive step backward compared to the first game. Episode 1 was genuinely awful, though. They took all the worst elements of HL2 and made the whole game revolve around those.