Elmofongo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2W0N3uKXmo To be fair though this looks like a game I actually want to get a VR Headset to play with.
Tbh I don't see VR getting extremely popular or staying around long...plus it's a safety hazard unless you either have someone spotting you/keeping you from hurting yourself or breaking stuff around you, or you clear most of the space around you & play in an empty room.
I also vehemently dislike some games I might want to play being locked to VR ONLY releases(like the Psychonauts spinoff/continuation and some others).
So while it might be a nice game I won't be buying a silly VR headset just to play it(and look a fool flailing about in my room), and I expect many others won't either(except maybe diehard HL/valve fans and those with money to blow).
GreasyDogMeat: I guess I'll just watch it like a movie on YouTube when it comes out.
Why are devs pushing VR? Is it really catching on? I hate it. Headache inducing and limited gameplay.
They are pushing it because it's the latest new gimmick, like 3D before it.
GreasyDogMeat: There seems to be this push from developers and movie makers to give people things they don't want.
They want more money of course, and use new gimmicks to get it....like this and also the
mobile phone enabled-only games(games on PS4/XB1 that need a good model of phone to play).
real.geizterfahr: True. I loved the first Half Life and was excited when they announced Half Life 2. But... it sucks! I didn't get the story (City 17? Combine? What's that got to do with Half Life?), I hate aim-assist on PC (if I shoot at a red barrel next to three enemies, I want to hit the red barrel and not one of the enemies that I'm not aiming at)....
The combine were an alien enemy that came through the same sort of portals that formed in HL1, and were supposedly in control of the HL1 end boss(iirc). The human like combine are converted humans and the others are either constructs/slave races of the combine leadership as well as "pure(actual) combine" themselves.
As for auto aim...that can easily be turned off.
Elmofongo: Because most of these devs grew up with old sci fi movies and television that features Virtual Reality and they want to make it a real thing because they thought it was cool.
The problem is most current "VR" is just a screen held next to one's eyes....not true VR. I agree it might be a bit cool, though(well as long as people didn't get hooked on it, that is, which would likely happen for a chunk of users). :)
Elmofongo: Take it from me, Half-Life 2 is a good game. Up there with the PC FPS greats.
Agreed....Ravenholm and a few other areas were among my favorites...they had nice atmospheres I think.