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I was thinking that with Epic buying up timed exclusives all over the place, that it wouldn't be long before Valve would be forced off their lazy asses and make a new Half Life as their own untouchable exclusive. What I did not expect was it for it to be VR.
real.geizterfahr: That Alyx character was way too happy to fit the setting.
And all she did was get in the way. I lost count of the number of times I found myself yelling "getthefuckouttathewayyoudumbbitch" every single time I was lining up a shot and her head would suddenly fill the sights right as I'd pull the trigger.

I blame the series for trying to turn all shooters cinematic with mid gameplay scripted sequences etc.
Post edited November 22, 2019 by CMOT70
All this revisionist history is beyond mind blowing in this thread, even more so the cries of 'WHY VR?!'

Valve have their own VR hardware they want to sell you. They also have a game that, so far, looks great and is part of an iconic series. Aside from the constant hate boners on show for Valve here, you could let a little light shine for something positive to seep in :P
I'm down. Now show me a cheap VR headset and a graphics card to drive it. Also, I'd like it to work under Linux.
low rated

To be fair though this looks like a game I actually want to get a VR Headset to play with.
Tbh I don't see VR getting extremely popular or staying around it's a safety hazard unless you either have someone spotting you/keeping you from hurting yourself or breaking stuff around you, or you clear most of the space around you & play in an empty room.

I also vehemently dislike some games I might want to play being locked to VR ONLY releases(like the Psychonauts spinoff/continuation and some others).

So while it might be a nice game I won't be buying a silly VR headset just to play it(and look a fool flailing about in my room), and I expect many others won't either(except maybe diehard HL/valve fans and those with money to blow).

GreasyDogMeat: I guess I'll just watch it like a movie on YouTube when it comes out.

Why are devs pushing VR? Is it really catching on? I hate it. Headache inducing and limited gameplay.
They are pushing it because it's the latest new gimmick, like 3D before it.
GreasyDogMeat: There seems to be this push from developers and movie makers to give people things they don't want.
They want more money of course, and use new gimmicks to get this and also the mobile phone enabled-only games(games on PS4/XB1 that need a good model of phone to play).


real.geizterfahr: True. I loved the first Half Life and was excited when they announced Half Life 2. But... it sucks! I didn't get the story (City 17? Combine? What's that got to do with Half Life?), I hate aim-assist on PC (if I shoot at a red barrel next to three enemies, I want to hit the red barrel and not one of the enemies that I'm not aiming at)....
The combine were an alien enemy that came through the same sort of portals that formed in HL1, and were supposedly in control of the HL1 end boss(iirc). The human like combine are converted humans and the others are either constructs/slave races of the combine leadership as well as "pure(actual) combine" themselves.

As for auto aim...that can easily be turned off.

Elmofongo: Because most of these devs grew up with old sci fi movies and television that features Virtual Reality and they want to make it a real thing because they thought it was cool.
The problem is most current "VR" is just a screen held next to one's eyes....not true VR. I agree it might be a bit cool, though(well as long as people didn't get hooked on it, that is, which would likely happen for a chunk of users). :)
Elmofongo: Take it from me, Half-Life 2 is a good game. Up there with the PC FPS greats.
Agreed....Ravenholm and a few other areas were among my favorites...they had nice atmospheres I think.
Post edited November 22, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
Linko64: All this revisionist history is beyond mind blowing in this thread, even more so the cries of 'WHY VR?!'
Revisionist history? What do you mean?

Also yes "Why VR?".....why lock a new game to one set of hardware and not make it for multiple devices to make more money and attract more customers?

Linko64: Valve have their own VR hardware they want to sell you. They also have a game that, so far, looks great and is part of an iconic series. Aside from the constant hate boners on show for Valve here, you could let a little light shine for something positive to seep in :P
Some of those "hate boners" are more against VR in general, not just valve.
Also for all lovers of classic HL1: ===========================================
Post edited November 22, 2019 by GameRager
This is about the same level of SquareEnix putting FF7 out. If they'd put it out in 2015 i'd have bought a console/system in a heartbeat to play it. Today? Too late.

There's a finite length of time fans will wait for the game, before they've just moved one. Not being a HalfLife person myself, i know the game felt decent enough during my playthrough of it.

Plus if they make it a VR-gimmick game, does that mean you can't play it unless you use ValvE's specific VR headgear? Perhaps it's just a push to sell more hardware on a franchise that is otherwise dead and has very limited sales thus culling or inviting the fury of the community?

Not sure... Either way, i'll pass.
low rated
rtcvb32: Plus if they make it a VR-gimmick game, does that mean you can't play it unless you use ValvE's specific VR headgear? Perhaps it's just a push to sell more hardware on a franchise that is otherwise dead and has very limited sales thus culling or inviting the fury of the community?
I'm gonna wait for Gabe to tell us: "Catch me later, i'll buy ya a headset"
Obviously it's going to be another railway shooter.
Adding more salt on the same dish every time really doesn't make it better.

Only a NOOB would bring this up...
And they are supposed to strap their displays on their heads so they can keep the lights on.

low rated
Mgamave: Only a NOOB would bring this up...
And they are supposed to strap their displays on their heads so they can keep the lights on.

Why they do it is understandable, but calling a screen taped(more or less) to one's head is silly & a disservice to actual VR(in fiction/etc).

Now if THAT kind of VR were made, i'd more quickly support it.
GameRager: Why they do it is understandable, but calling a screen taped(more or less) to one's head is silly & a disservice to actual VR(in fiction/etc).

Now if THAT kind of VR were made, i'd more quickly support it.
Precisely. I was getting exited in '95 when I saw Johnny Mnemonic.
low rated
Mgamave: Precisely. I was getting exited in '95 when I saw Johnny Mnemonic.
As was I with films like Lawnmower Man(and even part 2) and that one bit of the film Disclosure.

Heck, even old games like Neuromancer and SS 1.
Mgamave: Only a NOOB would bring this up...
And they are supposed to strap their displays on their heads so they can keep the lights on.

GameRager: Why they do it is understandable, but calling a screen taped(more or less) to one's head is silly & a disservice to actual VR(in fiction/etc).

Now if THAT kind of VR were made, i'd more quickly support it.
I'll wait for you to try out the neck-plug and report on how well it works before I'll feel comfortable asking the doctor to put one in.
low rated
Maighstir: I'll wait for you to try out the neck-plug and report on how well it works before I'll feel comfortable asking the doctor to put one in.
Oh c'mon, just admit you'd likely jump at the chance to try such if it were proven safe and you got it for free/cheap. :)

(They likely would test it a bit first to avoid lawsuits/deaths which led to said suits/etc....or at least I am mostly confident they would)
Maighstir: I'll wait for you to try out the neck-plug and report on how well it works before I'll feel comfortable asking the doctor to put one in.
Too bad. I actually had more or less the same idea. Now we have to wait another quarter of a century, it seems.

Just found out that until then, I'm waiting for a curved, 180 degree autostereoscopic display. It's on its way.
Post edited November 22, 2019 by Mgamave
Meh, it will probably be an Epic Store exclusive for the first couple of years anyway.