Delekhan: Crysis was a good game I don't know what you are talking about. Crysis had some awesome gun battles and it even made me like the aliens near the end during the Carrier Standoff. The only real complaint about Crysis is that they never optimized the damn thing something they kind of fixed with the expasion Warhead.
I think there's just some misscommunication.
Yes. Crysis had some awesome gun battles.
Yes, it didn't make me physically ill to play Crysis.
But just because a game isn't horrible, doesn't make it good. A game can have awesome aspects but still be mediocre. It was passable. It was "alright". But it didn't move people. It didn't inspire them. It looked pretty and was fun to play then and there, but it didn't actually add anything.
In 5 years time, people will only remember Crysis as "that game", the one that "looked good for it's time". But I have a hard time seeing anyone going "Man. Crysis was such a classic. I played it over and over and over again and still found something new in it.".
In 5 years time, people will still be talking about the original Fallout series. People will still be wanting a piece of it and that loyal core of followers will still twist the heads of people into buying more and more.
I don't think making a classic isometric turn-based (and even 2D) game RPG in this day and age would be financial suicide in any way. First of all the production would be cheaper. Second it'd build a reputation of quality - if done well - for future installments. Third, it could easily form a crowd of dedicated cultists coming back for more again and again. Fourth, it'd be like running a marathon, compared to the drug-addled sprinting sessions of most other game developers.
Look at 4x games from Firaxis or Stardock. Huge crowd there, eh? Big blockbuster titles all the time, eh? No. But there's a niche market that they're exploiting and they seem (especially in Stardock's case) to be doing very well for themselves. There's an increasing indie market expanding and much of what they do is low-grade - why? Because they're doing something ORIGINAL, be it in RPGs telling a story or some minature conceptual mind-bogglingly simple-but-awesome game.
There's a market there. I just wish to god someone would take up the torch and start building in it.