Posted December 10, 2019
This map is a race to the deep, for friends the treasure vault. I have 3k mana or so despite researching a spell per turn since turn 6. It worked like this: turn one haste; turn 2-5 run towards the teleporter straying only for a dungeon or a city; only buy a single goblin 1hex, leave all the money for the deep, kill the other goblins rather than buying them; turn 6 buy the goblin city in the deep (I bought no troops at all anywhere else) and start getting the nodes. Then the leader starts exploring the treasure dungeons in the deep and conquering the cities solo - he's already a monster thanks to the equipment found (regeneration, healing, lifedrain, archery, marksmanship IV, and more). He soloes the lizard, azrac and finally dwarf cities in the deep, while I buy the orcs. By turn 10-11 I had control over the deep, each city building archers to man the towers where the teleporters lead to like Book's discovered. I used the first level of the leader to buy movement. Yes, only movement. To make him get to the deep faster, banking on the hope that I'd get some powerful item, which happened - the first item was regeneration+healing, the horn of plenty. Perfect to keep on fighting. Then a bit of defence and attack, then spellcasting.
I researched town portal first, then summon hero, then animate hero. When I wrote "that's nothing", 2? turns ago, I had 9 heroes, including 2 spellcaster Vs, the goblin and the lizard that became independent, for a total of 3 including the leader. Then I stole the azrac one from Southern. I can now summon or animate 4 heroes per turn. I had to kill a summoned hero that had some decent equipment, probably also from the lizards, because the ladies of pain weren't able to beat his resistance, then I reanimated him. My leader's town-portalled back to the caves - didn't want to leave him in the place with teleporters leading towards - where he's distributed his equipment to the other heores, 2 of which have just killed Southern's hero obtaining much more loot for other hero recruits. Sorry Southern - I'm competitive like this...
Now they both have a domination item and I'm dominating everything that I find right at he border with the orcs, I've already obtained a beholder... Let's just say that I feel pretty confident, enough not to bother conquering the rest and going for the kill.
Basically, in this map air magic is absolutely OP especially combined with this item list. There is no way anyone else can resist a stack of equipped heroes, this early in the game. As a result, it's comparatively pointless to do anything else than get heroes and equip them. Plus some random units as meatshields. All gold and mana goes to this strategy - some boats to make the heroes move around faster, that's about it.
How to play this map: send stuff in the deep asap, the first one to get there has an advantage that grows exponentially with the number of turns of lead. Unfortunately, it's not easy to fix: air magic is still random as you have to start with haste to have a big advantage, if you make the path to the vault longer for the air magicians you make it double important to have the luck of starting with haste...
I coudl have posted this in the feedback thread but there you're talking mostly about Xelm, maybe do a specific thread for Swirlmount? I have some ideas to share on fixing the above, that I consider to be a problem. First thing though would be to see if the others share this opinion. Some discussion is needed.