Posted December 10, 2018

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

New User
Registered: May 2018
From Canada
Posted December 11, 2018
I haven't actually gone very far north in the underground so the areas under the elves are relatively untouched I think. But I'm not sure where these indies are coming from. Maybe they were placed on the map and have just been wandering around. But I know that on the surface theres definitely triggers for indie spawns and EVERY time you step on that hex more spawn in. If that's the case for the patrols in the underground then there just going to keep coming. I've got at least 4 stacks in my territory.
And yeah I might have exaggerated how tough those leprechauns were a bit. I meant my mental health barely survived. I've had bad experiences with those things.
And yeah I might have exaggerated how tough those leprechauns were a bit. I meant my mental health barely survived. I've had bad experiences with those things.

Old User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 12, 2018
Elves, Day 35
We spend 1135 gold buying a garrison in the underworld.
We spend 1135 gold buying a garrison in the underworld.

New User
Registered: May 2018
From Canada
Posted December 13, 2018
Orcs day 34 or 35
There are SO MANY items scattered around this mountain valley. Should call it battle valley for all the blood shed in this tiny area. Thankfully none last night. Nice to open my turn and not read about another stack lost to the halflings. Too bad I have only one hero for all this loot.
Over a thousand gold? Geez I understand why Bockwit had to hire his city, he only had frogs. But I never hire them if I can help it. Cheaper just to take them by force. I can't believe the elves have that kind of cash to throw around. Kinda makes me nervous...
There are SO MANY items scattered around this mountain valley. Should call it battle valley for all the blood shed in this tiny area. Thankfully none last night. Nice to open my turn and not read about another stack lost to the halflings. Too bad I have only one hero for all this loot.
Over a thousand gold? Geez I understand why Bockwit had to hire his city, he only had frogs. But I never hire them if I can help it. Cheaper just to take them by force. I can't believe the elves have that kind of cash to throw around. Kinda makes me nervous...

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted December 14, 2018
Bockwit, Day Whatever
We walked, and we observed more walkers.
We walked, and we observed more walkers.

New User
Registered: May 2018
From Canada
Posted December 16, 2018
Orcs Day 36
Another turn without battles allows us to further consolidate and manoevre... manouevre? Uhh, consolidate and move around. Still, Indies have fully seized control of my best agricultural land. Desperately trying to organize a response. Our war with the halflings has left us quite exhausted
Another turn without battles allows us to further consolidate and manoevre... manouevre? Uhh, consolidate and move around. Still, Indies have fully seized control of my best agricultural land. Desperately trying to organize a response. Our war with the halflings has left us quite exhausted

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted December 21, 2018
I suppose that even if no one else does, I should post a turn log.
Bockwit, Day 37
We complete a quest, getting some more defenders for our wizard.
We also decide upon a course of action which will hopefully breed the most amusement for us.
Bockwit, Day 37
We complete a quest, getting some more defenders for our wizard.
We also decide upon a course of action which will hopefully breed the most amusement for us.

New User
Registered: May 2018
From Canada
Posted December 24, 2018
Bane of the Orcs
Killed one of the indie stacks ravaging my farmlands. The battle went well but we still prudently retreat to a nearby tower for the night, seeing as there's at least two more stacks roaming around
Killed one of the indie stacks ravaging my farmlands. The battle went well but we still prudently retreat to a nearby tower for the night, seeing as there's at least two more stacks roaming around

Old User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 24, 2018
Elves, Day 38
Now every pissant little village is asking 500-1000 gold to join me; hardly!
Now every pissant little village is asking 500-1000 gold to join me; hardly!

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted December 25, 2018
Halflings, Day 38
We generate some neutrals, though some of them are likely to kill us.
We generate some neutrals, though some of them are likely to kill us.

New User
Registered: May 2018
From Canada
Posted January 03, 2019
Happy New Year!
Orcs Day 39
Wow. Just wow. Uhhh, anyone know what happens to avengers when the player that spawned them has no more units in the area? Do they, by any chance, turn recruitable or like go seek out more units of that player, or maybe just, oh, I don't know, like ignore innocent bystanders? My army can likely take it but there's a lot of new indies running around after the halflings mole rider went on a bender and drove his mole through like 4 or 5 structures.
In other news, am I correct that the elves took out that annoying flying draco hero? If so then thank you very much!
Orcs Day 39
Wow. Just wow. Uhhh, anyone know what happens to avengers when the player that spawned them has no more units in the area? Do they, by any chance, turn recruitable or like go seek out more units of that player, or maybe just, oh, I don't know, like ignore innocent bystanders? My army can likely take it but there's a lot of new indies running around after the halflings mole rider went on a bender and drove his mole through like 4 or 5 structures.
In other news, am I correct that the elves took out that annoying flying draco hero? If so then thank you very much!

Old User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted January 03, 2019
Day 39, Elves
Forgot to post this - yes, it did so happen that the flying+steam hero of the halflings came within reach of our army. Not much else to say, though I wonder how the Orcs knew of it?
Forgot to post this - yes, it did so happen that the flying+steam hero of the halflings came within reach of our army. Not much else to say, though I wonder how the Orcs knew of it?

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted January 03, 2019
Well, that sucks. Oh well. Maybe in retaliation, I won't burn some things I'd been planning on burning.

New User
Registered: May 2018
From Canada
Posted January 03, 2019
Am i the only one who reads the histories of the other wizard's deeds?