AlienMind: Problem:
- Clicking "PLAY" in the launcher
- Ingame click "Play online"
- The text "Authentication..." appears, but the game freezes, not even Alt-Tab works. I had to press "Ctrl-Alt-Delete" so i could go to the Task Manager and thus kill the process.
- I use Comodo Personal Firewall, which indeed presented a dialog box about allowing TheWitcherAdventureGame.exe access to port . The point here is I didn't have the chance to click that.
Suggested solution:
- a) Make the game process less offended when it's connection attempts are stalling, meaning: allow alt-tab. Maybe even write a note below "authentication.." saying "if you see this longer than a few seconds, please press alt-tab and check your internet connection. maybe you have to acknowledge a personal firewall message.".
- b) Do testing of the internet stuff before going 3d and fullscreen.
- After dragging, the maps always tries to scroll back to the playing area, sometimes resulting in cutting off crucial stuff to click on (e.g. a town at the bottom border of the map). Don't know if it's my 4:3 monitor you are not prepared for?
Suggested solution:
- User wants drag the map so he can see the beer at the top and such? Let him. He did scroll there, he also knows how to scroll back.
- Nobody knows what's going on!
Suggested solution:
- Scrap the description slides you are doing now, because nobody reads them anyways, and make that a "show info for beginners" checkbox, which, when enabled (default), displays context text while playing.
The game and Galaxy client should offer the option during installation to add the ports they use to the WIndows firewall exceptions list. That may or may not help 3rd party firewalls but it should be done anyway. Also they should eventually document very clearly what the exact fine grained ports for each application for firewall configuration.
You'll need to allow UDP port 514, 5001,5002,6001 outbound for sure. There are other ephemeral ports used during game lobby setup that are not really possible to configure once and leave because they change randomly. The only way to handle that is to limit yourself to games other people create, or to allow all outbound/inbound UDP traffic on the ephemeral ports (32768-65535) which is a huge hole in one's firewall security. Hopefully this is just a limitation of the early stage of development and not how they plan on shipping the final game though or it's going to be a huge firewall nightmare on any network that has proactive inbound and outbound security set up with default deny policy.
ALT-TAB works for me always in any part of the game, never had it stop me from doing it.
Agreed about the map scrolling issue, a UI button is needed to disable auto zoom/pan and let the user decide how they want to see the game board fully zoomed, zoomed in manually and panned wherever. The ability to zoom and pan is not very useful when the game yanks it out of your control every 3 seconds during play. ;o) I'm sure they'll likely fix that in the future though and it's just early-beta stuff.
During opponent gameplay, the text and actions of what the other player are doing whiz by so fast that they might as well not really be there. What would be better is a small window at the top or bottom that shows those as smaller status messages in a box that can be clicked on and expanded to show a history of the various messages perhaps. I also wish I could view my own profile or other people's profiles of my choosing while someone is taking their turn. It's more productive to be able to read over my own quests and cards and get more familiar with what I have than staring waiting for players to finish their turns unable to look around the map while it gets moved around against my will. :)
The UI definitely needs some love in these regards, but I'm sure we'll see improvements as it gets updated too. :)