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The Witcher Adventure Game uses the Galaxy multiplayer library. Please read the points below before posting any feedback regarding the multiplayer game experience. Thank you!

1. Always start (or restart) the Launcher before playing the game. Let the update process finish (wait until status text changes to UP TO DATE), before clicking the PLAY button.

2. If you encounter any problem that you consider connected with the multiplayer, please go to <span class="bold"></span>, log in with your account as usual and create an issue for us there please. Add a detailed description, and if possible, a method of reproducing it.
Post edited August 05, 2014 by Fallen_Zen
First of all, thank you for inviting me in Beta.

Please implement Windowed mode as soon as you can. Right now, beta probably doesn't have many players and having a game in full screen while waiting minutes for any activity is quite painful and most likely results in me quitting the game.
With windowed mode, I could leave the game open and do something till the lobby is full and ready for a match.

No far no crashes (Tutorial, initiating but not starting private match, looking in public lobby). I shared a code with my friend who is skilled in Magic the Gathering, so we will be able to test it hopefully soon.
Post edited August 09, 2014 by Rinu
Rinu: Please implement Windowed mode as soon as you can. Right now, beta probably doesn't have many players and having a game in full screen while waiting minutes for any activity is quite painful and most likely results in me quitting the game.
With windowed mode, I could leave the game open and do something till the lobby is full and ready for a match.
You are lazy one, aren't you? :P
Post edited August 09, 2014 by Lexor
Yes, I am :). Many thanks, Lexor. Problem solved.

PS. I actually searched subforum for keyword "window" and this one looked like the best choice.
Post edited August 09, 2014 by Rinu
So, I've played a little bit more both with my friends on private game and with public matches:

-huge problem with getting disconnected from the game during dice rolling/choosing characters on public games

-should be 30 second/1 minute waiting time when players are rolling dices at the beginning

-Geralt is overpowered - he kills monsters too easily and playing him gets quite boring later on - he should have some kind of preparation time of his signs, maybe one dice less?

-Triss has only 4 dices, that's not enough. She should have one more normal dice and ability to prepare her amulet as well as spells. Also, to be as powerfull as other characters - she should prepare two spells not one during preparation time

-it would be great if while waiting for other players to take their action - be albe to read their cards and your own as well
I alt-tabbed out of game, now can't alt-tab back in. Looks like game crashed.
Post edited August 10, 2014 by kuadziw
1: A more fleshed out rules and tutorial section, clearly explaining each aspect of the game. While it was fun figuring out everything on my own or with the help of other players. A better thought out tutorial, that is perhaps interactive with all aspects of the game covered would alleviate a lot of headaches in those first few games.

2: Give players who are not in the hot seat a lot more flexibility in terms of what they can and can’t look at when it’s not their turn. It would be great to be able to go through your own character sheet and look at the cards you have so you can plan your next move. Another handy feature would be to also be able to look at the current players cards. This way you can learn a lot more about the different diversity of other characters.

3: While I enjoy the actual game a great deal, it very much feels like a single player game at the moment. In all the games I played (some 30+ so far), I never felt that I was actually competing against anyone. It was more just a race to the quest goal, which resulted into what felt like a rushed game. I’m not too sure what the developers have planned for the actual final release, but this game is begging for some interaction between players. Varied interaction that ranges from helping a player in battle, trading with them all the way to hindering their progress and slowing down their VP gains. Suggestions are an alternate deck that is purely designed for player interaction.

4: Some Video Options would be great. While this is probably planned for a future release, the ability to play this game in a window mode would be great, as I was frequently browsing the internet on my second monitor, however the game would minimize itself while this was happening.

5: One major bug of note is that when a player completes a Quest, and then has a look at another card or clicks something else before choosing the next quest, they can no longer perform any action, nor choose a Quest, in which the only result is for the player to have to quit the game. I found this to be the most game breaking bug at the moment.

6: It would be great to see an actual lobby system that lists Private Games as well as Public Games. I found the Matchmaking system to be quite slow and sometimes chaotic with frequent drop outs. The ability to password a Private Game would be a handy tool when searching through games to play. Players could chat in a central lobby, while having a list of public and private games viewable on a side menu.

7: I would love to see an actual “Statistics” tab in a later release. Somewhere that tracks all the games you have played, the characters you have used, the games you have won/lost etc. It gives the game a greater sense of achievement.

8: I understand the fact that this is a board game that’s going to be released, however it would be awesome to see some animations for the actual player models moving around the table. Even if that’s just a detailed version of Geralt/Triss/Dandelion or Yarpen standing there. It would be visually pleasing to say the least.

Above all, Point number 3 above is the most crucial at this stage. I really want to buy the physically copy of this game when its released. However with the current Core gameplay feeling very single player orientated, it’s starting to tip the scales in favour of the online release only. Here’s to hoping we see a lot more player interaction in the future!
Welcome everyone : )

I would like to share with you some of my notes made during my The WItcher Adventure Game plays. These are only "game feedback" notes, because the other type of comments I send through dedicated forms. Here we go:

- Reconnect or something like "waiting for player" option is necessary, because the game was crushing due to microlags (e.g. my notebook was renewing connection with router).

- Add "Friend list" with whole inviting mechanic etc. Maybe some server list with filtres like "preferred game length"?

Hope my notes will be useful enough to make TWAG better : )

I think I encountered a bug. I was delayed, got the good fortune for an extra action, I used it but I didn't get an additional action that turn. On the next turn I also only had 1 action.
Thank you ever so much for including me in beta!

I played some ~30 games so far and made some notes. Here they are, although I saved the most important thing for the end.

1. Joining the lobby and waiting for players takes forever, I'm pretty sure there's more people online than just me at any given moment. Also, while "at" the lobby, the game still gets disconnected there, I made sure it was not my provider's fault. It would be awesome if there was one huge lobby for all the players and we could see how many people are waiting. Maybe even see the private games? Or games already in progress where one of the players left - we could just take it on from where they left. Also, since there are connectability issues, it would be awesome if there was like 2 minutes for the player to return? I wish there had been something like that when my laptop's battery died and I got kicked out.

2. It seems to me that once the game chose the character for me? I'm pretty certain I didn't click anything at it just decided for me. Is it even possible? Maybe a tiny bug? No idea to be honest. Happened once only.

3. I would love to get a sound notification when my turn comes! The waiting is torture. I can't do anything while my opponents act and just sitting here and staring at the screen is not my favourite thing to do. So I get distracted and my co-players are getting impatient if I am motionless for too long. Also,why do I "have to" loot at my opponents' cards while their turn? Why can't I choose whose cards I wanna see? It would really help make some decisions. So that's a 2 in 1. Sound alert and/or "pretty please make the wait less boring!".

4. Music and sounds need to be separated. Especially if you give us one song for the whole game which can last quite a while (just finished an over 2 hrs long one!). Or just put some more music in ;) I know I'm expecting too much from a Beta but I know I'm not the only one on this. Another matter is it being very loud, but hey, not very disturbing.

5. Minor things like white background instead of anything else after finishing the game - the screen with the scores and places we won. Or the game freezing for half a minute (but maybe that's my laptop's fault, not sure). Happens seldom, not too much of a problem.

6. Quite an important issue for me. Why can't I reorganise dice once put into sockets? That option would be really useful! More than once Me, or my coplayers, rushed and clicked the dice into sockets too early. Maybe just reassigning one dice? That would help a lot!

7. Finally the most important matter. There is hardly any interaction between players! For now it really seems like a single player game. If any four people sat down and played the game on four separate boards, I think they wouldn't notice a difference. Well, maybe apart from not having to wait a month for their opponents to act. Moreover, it would be reasonable to think about some ways to disturb other players, make it harder for them to complete the quests. And make the game a tiny bit harder. For now, especially when playing Geralt, it's rather easy. Imbalanced Geralt is another issue. He's so overpowered! And Triss is underestimated. She should be stronger.

I don't know how the game will work once it's out but for now, it needs some fixing. Even though I love the concept, the quests and characters and graphics and all... it doesn't feel right, there's something missing. And by something I mostly mean the interaction. This is the most important issue of all. Stability and connectability come second to this.

Ps. I encountered three crashes. One reported to mantis site, the other two are here:
Folder names:
2014-08-11_015228 and 2014-08-11_120412.

Can't wait for the final product!
Post edited August 11, 2014 by drclavel
1ST game (3 player) - I have encountered 2 game breaking bugs.
BUG 1. Fortune Card Bug – one that gives 1 of each lead – started stacking them infinitely (until I pressed End Turn and I had like 20 of proofs each at that time).
BUG 2. Ghost Turn - I cannot take any actions (while I have 2) and game literally ends here since I cannot even end turn. Two other players left the game as we could not do anything.
Both bugs covered with pictures (couldn't bring any better this time, sorry for this).

2ND game (2 player) – Dropping battle icons to slot should be more reliable (we do that so often!).
Encountered no bugs, game was fine.

3RD game (2 player, as Dandelion) – tried to choose Geralt and it somehow picked Dandelion (maybe time was up or something?!). After few turns game disconnected.

Tomorrow next game and next bugs, hope it help You guys!
Post edited August 16, 2014 by Slait
I can choose to install the Witcher game to my D drive but why oh why does the galaxy client stealth install to my C drive?

Give me the choice to install where I want because the client likes to assume (when making the shortcut) that the galaxy client is installed on the same drive as the game, but since installed it on the game, the shortcuts it creates are invalid and I have to manually fix it.
it'd be good to find a way to log back in to a game if for some reason like a power loss, you end up getting out of the game.
It would be nice to have a sound alert when someone joined the lobby, so I wont have to keep alt+tabing to see if someone is there.
it would be nice to set up a lobby where one can create game rooms as well as viewing/joining all available game rooms. Along with optional ping indictor next to the rooms to give a rough estimate of how much network latency you can expect from the host/other players in order to minimise connection loss issues.
I'm in Vancouver, BC and was in the lobby from 11am to 2pm PST today and was stuck in matchmaking all that time. On the average, how long do you guys wait to get into a public game?