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The Witcher Adventure Game uses the Galaxy multiplayer library. Please read the points below before posting any feedback regarding the multiplayer game experience. Thank you!

1. Always start (or restart) the Launcher before playing the game. Let the update process finish (wait until status text changes to UP TO DATE), before clicking the PLAY button.

2. If you encounter any problem that you consider connected with the multiplayer, please go to <span class="bold"></span>, log in with your account as usual and create an issue for us there please. Add a detailed description, and if possible, a method of reproducing it.
Post edited August 05, 2014 by Fallen_Zen
skeletonbow: Just played my second game. Just like the first game, the other players randomly left, although this time it was about 5 seconds after the match started. So I just played the whole thing single-player and won. 2-0 for skeletonbow I'm hot!
I want to play with myself as well!

...i guess I can already do this.
scampywiak: I want to play with myself as well!

...i guess I can already do this.
I'll start a game with you and exit if you'd like to play standalone, just let me know the name of the private game and I'll join in then exit after it starts for ya.
scampywiak: I want to play with myself as well!

...i guess I can already do this.
skeletonbow: I'll start a game with you and exit if you'd like to play standalone, just let me know the name of the private game and I'll join in then exit after it starts for ya.
I and two other GOG-ers actually managed to connect and play a game for 40 or so minutes (I had to leave, but I think they played more after). Connection was solid as far as I can tell.
There are a few points that made the initial experience somewhat confusing. During combat sections (roll dice and drag icons) there does not seem any way of telling how many icons you are allowed to drag to attack/defence sections. Icons themselves don't have any information on them to help understand what exactly you're trying to do and hat the game wants from you.
I think an 'Additional Information Tab' or 'Tips' or 'Helpful Information' section may prove helpful (looking up the tutorial can be a drag) on different sections of the HUD during actual gameplay. So far (as far as I've experienced anyway) it seems combat is totally random (either you get any attack dice or none at all) This was especially surprising when I had to fight a Striga and the dice didn't give me any attack all. The outcome of that particular encounter was somewhat predictable...>.<
Looking forward for future updates :D
A strange thing occured to me 3-4 times in a row now. I joined/created public games, played for some time, and suddenly the game stopped progressing during my opponents turn, as if they went afk. Everything worked for me, no crashes, I could click on things and the music played fine. My opponents did not respond either and I was forced to exit after a couple of minutes. Anyone had that problem as well? My connection was fine the whole time btw.
HilariousHank: This was especially surprising when I had to fight a Striga and the dice didn't give me any attack all. The outcome of that particular encounter was somewhat predictable...>.<
You have to use Development cards - they can add extra dice to your result (swords/shields etc).
I would like to ask if there is some manual. I am afraid tutorial is not enough detailed :) Thanks!
Serpico: A strange thing occured to me 3-4 times in a row now. I joined/created public games, played for some time, and suddenly the game stopped progressing during my opponents turn, as if they went afk. Everything worked for me, no crashes, I could click on things and the music played fine. My opponents did not respond either and I was forced to exit after a couple of minutes. Anyone had that problem as well? My connection was fine the whole time btw.
An even weirder thing happened to me while i was playing a private game with a friend of mine,out of nowhere people appeared in chat (one was actually you! :D ) we were already playing but you people seemed to be stucked in the lobby,i could see what you were writing but my friend couldn't,i guess you couldn't see either when i tried answering you,really weird,i actually took a screen

Aside from that,got some minor bugs like the name of the other player not appearing during his turn and a white background in the "game ended" screen,with all that said it's a very fun game once you get the hang of it.
So the matchmaking seems to have cleared up, which is awesome. My friend and I had a private game (great fun btw!) and came up with some constructive criticism. Nothing major, just things that would make the game feel a bit slicker. If any of these complaints arose because I'm just plain stupid, let me know!

1) We felt the text and card popups during the opposing player's turn went by too quickly and there was no way to see what quests/investigation cards/fate cards etc. they had, other than trying to look at that really fast glimpse of text. I know it's important to keep the game moving along but it'd be cool to see what quest your opponent had.

2) when drawing your next quest, there was no way to look at the map to better decide what quest to pick. So unless you remember the locations by heart, it's difficult to pick a quest with a nearby location with any certainty.

3) we felt the game ended a bit abruptly, with just a screen saying who won then right back to the main menu. This was fine, except it interrupted our conversation in the chat. It would be awesome to have a friend-chat function so you could carry on your conversation after the game.

4) The tutorial was pretty confusing and neither of us really wanted to read walls of text when we could be playing a tutorial game. An interactive tutorial with less text and more demonstrations would be awesome.

Anyway, those are just the things that I noticed on my first playthrough. No actual bugs or anything and the game was excellent fun! Lot of great moments and some really excellent potential.

EDIT: Oh, and tooltips! Good god, this game needs tooltips! =P
Post edited July 05, 2014 by Tomgar24
I just realized that if I join and someone already has a game up waiting for people to join, I can get into their game no problem usually, however if nobody has a game running if it creates a game lobby for me and waits for other players to join - nobody ever ever joins. I can wait 5 minutes or an hour and a half and nobody ever shows up. If I hit exit and try to start another game I might randomly connect to someone else though.

It definitely seems like nobody is able to connect to a game I initiate though.
Matchmaking doesn't seem to work for me... just how much time do you people wait fo it to happen?
cmspeedwagon: Matchmaking doesn't seem to work for me... just how much time do you people wait fo it to happen?
What are the messages you get, does it say "Creating lobby, waiting for other players to join" and sit waiting forever? If so, if you have a firewall active on your machine make sure to configure a rule to allow outbound UDP protocol for the Witcher game executable.
skeletonbow: What are the messages you get, does it say "Creating lobby, waiting for other players to join" and sit waiting forever? If so, if you have a firewall active on your machine make sure to configure a rule to allow outbound UDP protocol for the Witcher game executable.
"Waiting for other players to join". A few minutes ago I found a guy in a lobby; I was able to vote to begin but nothing happened and he didn't answer in chat, so I guess he was afk. Well, at least it seems it's working...
I miss CANCEL button in the game. I accidentaly clicked action card and I had no chance to put it back.
- Clicking "PLAY" in the launcher
- Ingame click "Play online"
- The text "Authentication..." appears, but the game freezes, not even Alt-Tab works. I had to press "Ctrl-Alt-Delete" so i could go to the Task Manager and thus kill the process.
- I use Comodo Personal Firewall, which indeed presented a dialog box about allowing TheWitcherAdventureGame.exe access to port . The point here is I didn't have the chance to click that.

Suggested solution:
- a) Make the game process less offended when it's connection attempts are stalling, meaning: allow alt-tab. Maybe even write a note below "authentication.." saying "if you see this longer than a few seconds, please press alt-tab and check your internet connection. maybe you have to acknowledge a personal firewall message.".
- b) Do testing of the internet stuff before going 3d and fullscreen.

- After dragging, the maps always tries to scroll back to the playing area, sometimes resulting in cutting off crucial stuff to click on (e.g. a town at the bottom border of the map). Don't know if it's my 4:3 monitor you are not prepared for?

Suggested solution:
- User wants drag the map so he can see the beer at the top and such? Let him. He did scroll there, he also knows how to scroll back.

- Nobody knows what's going on!
Suggested solution:
- Scrap the description slides you are doing now, because nobody reads them anyways, and make that a "show info for beginners" checkbox, which, when enabled (default), displays context text while playing.
Post edited July 07, 2014 by AlienMind