Thaldren117: You need to stop spreading Malware to people in a public and open setting. This is beyond insanity and words.
gamma_mayhem: you know that there is no malware. Stop spreading malicious lies just because you are permanenty banned.
Like you using my name to promote your client that I have never used?
And how do you know there's no malware if you said in another thread you don't know what thaldren (your dev) has done in those files? And there are tens and tens of virus detections, since long ago?
And lol at the "OTA pros" up there. He meant OTA as well as ESC rejects. Quit Esc because Ramp won the $1000 tourney. Bye and pretend to be a pro at your own mod.
Last TA world champion, GGs.
"but but ladder":
- played after a decade;
- played tired and opponent chose the map because I couldn't care less. Why would I rush? To retire them sooner? I already knew that would happen;
- was even adapting from left click interface (having always played with it) to right click interface. If you were ever a player or any good you would know it's like changing from left hand to right hand, it's insane I even beat their bests in all those conditions;
- by the time none of this worked anymore was the time I sent their whole community into real TA retirement and all competition ceased after I was the world champion.
And thats why they play their "prota". They couldnt do it at real TA and then not even at Esc.