Kaldurenik: I have to agree with the "crazy" people that say "they did it knowingly and they are not going to put the forum up for quiet a while". Why? Because they hope the largest shit storm will have passed by the time they decide to put the forum up. Except... People are saving themself just for the moment when the forum go up.
Not only did they not keep the old forum up or the old database (how stupid is that?) but they are overall ignoring the community. The lack of information and stuff from them is pathetic. Their website is still not even working correctly (the new one) and it have been quiet a while now. Note: These guys know what they are doing. I could fix most of the issues there and im only "okey" at it. So there is no way it can take this much time unless they want the forum to be down.
Lets not forget that this is a BAD thing. Not only do people not have any location to talk about their problems with the game so its spread across most of the large gaming forums no the net. But it looks bad when people write "Can someone help me fix TW2" ... On a forum not related to TW2 because the company decided to be asses?

chautemoc: http://en.thewitcher.com/community/ They've been updating and responding to questions daily there.
Meh its just the same information put in another way over and over again. They might as well have used a bot for it. Have they not said for like 10 days now that the forum would be up? The login stuff is still not working. Honestly as of right now if they gave the website to first year students in webdesign i would have more faith in them getting the website up then the group they have right now.
They are doing one of these 3 things:
1) Designing the website right now. In that case... They should fire that guy for being a idiot.
2) There was some major bugs that came up just as they put the website up. In this case they are still retards and they should fire whoever the guy that said "well lets close down the old forum / database while we do this as no one have ever had a website problem before"
3) They are turning the forum on knowingly.
So far im not impressed with how they handle the situation. The first thing they should have done when they noticed that the website is not working correctly should have been. *gasp* revert it back to the original website. Ignoring the stupid thing where they did not leave that as a backup in the first place.