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high rated
Don't let two perfectly good ports go to waste, they are desired around here.
Post edited October 02, 2020 by colombia_supremo
Linux version would be greatly appreciated.
Linux version wanted too!
I would buy it instant for the price it is now, but I'm hesitant when there is no Linux port.
I came here to ask if there was any plans to release the Linux version to GOG, i'm glad i'm not alone. I have emailed Croteam directly, i'll let everyone know if I get a response.
I would really like to see that a Linux port is planned and will come soon.

Yes, the prize is really interesting ... but if no Linux version would follow it would just be wasted.
I would really wish for GOG answering the question if a port for any missing platform is planned in near future. Is it really to GOG customers to rise this question and put the answer to the forum?

Thanks shylock.596 for your work - I did it for other games, too, but was just too late this time. ;)

But why has this to be done by gamers, i.e. paying customers.
From my point of view there is something wrong in the process of creating a meaningful product page.
Post edited October 02, 2020 by JMB9
I'm so disappointed with this one...
Wishlisted on Steam and waited for occasion like this one – great price and DRM free!
Someone made all the efforts to develop Linux port and now we receive Win-only version on GOG.
Linux version would be awesome!
Another vote for the native Linux version.
+1 for native Linux version! I probably would have bought it already by now if it was available.

Wishlist entry:
Post edited October 03, 2020 by Time4Tea
I was reading the entry on GOG's annyversary and as soon as I read Talos was released here and had a major discount I went to the store to purchase it. Then I discovered it was only the Windows version. If I would have seen the Linux icon I would have bought it instantly. Now, here I am waiting for a response of the developers. If there's no Linux version, there's no purchase.
I have the same question. While Steam is still selling the Win/Mac/Linux version, I came here to find out the GoG discounted offer only includes the game for Windows. Quite disappointed, is there a chance the Linux version will be added later on?
The Linux version for TTP exists, but not on GOG. It is hard to understand, more if developers do not give any reason. Fortunately, some great companies are starting to support Linux on GOG.
Post edited October 03, 2020 by Gogeous
high rated
I received an email response from Croteam about the matter:

"if and when we have any news on the Linux version of Talos on GOG we'll announce it via our usual channels."

So basically it's a "no" without the guts to actually say "no". No reasoning given either.
Post edited October 03, 2020 by shylock.596
shylock.596: ...
I've got a similar answer. For some reason I took it much worse than just direct "no, sorry, we cannot/won't because of sth".