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This has been happening to me a lot since I started playing the GOG version the other day. XP SP3, ATI Radeon, Sempron CPU (if that even matters). I have the widescreen mod, UI mod and other recommended mods installed (from the GOG thread). For the record, I installed it all before starting any playthrough and, as others have said, it didn't happen until I got to the Hive. Then again, you rarely load new areas in the Dustman place, so it could just be a simple chance thing.

I just did what garciafigueres suggested above and over a period of at least 40-50 minutes it hasn't crashed when entering a new area - normally it's every 10 minutes, if not more frequently. However, I entered the Weeping Catacombs and as soon as a Cranium Rat started to cast a spell (some lightning one) it instantly crashed. This is the first time it's crashed from anything other than loading a new area but then it's also the first time I've seen that spell.

My friend brought round his 2-CD version of the game; I'm going to install that, mod it identically to this GOG version and then carry on and see how it goes with that version.
Post edited January 19, 2011 by Export
I created a virtual WinXP SP2 using VirtualBox (free to use). Inside of that OS, I set the hardware acceleration really low and it's very stable. I went from crashing regularly in Win7 to total Torment immersion.

I iz happy.
This is getting seriously annoying. The GOG version is supposed to be Win 7 compatible, but it keeps crashing when I'm changing areas. It seems to be after a handful or so transfers. BAM! Crash to Desktop.

Any solution to this?

Nothing I try seems to really help. Have set the exe as exception in Avast AV, but to no avail. Tried with the BLT options, but then it was impossible to play due to framerate. Have also tried the play as admin, XP mode and disabling visual themes and such, but I don't think that helped any either. Very frustrating :(
That's not unique to Win7. Any indication it's not just a flaw of the game, to be highly prone to crashing on scene changes?
Pangaea666: This is getting seriously annoying. The GOG version is supposed to be Win 7 compatible, but it keeps crashing when I'm changing areas. It seems to be after a handful or so transfers. BAM! Crash to Desktop.

Any solution to this?

Nothing I try seems to really help. Have set the exe as exception in Avast AV, but to no avail. Tried with the BLT options, but then it was impossible to play due to framerate. Have also tried the play as admin, XP mode and disabling visual themes and such, but I don't think that helped any either. Very frustrating :(
Are you running widescreen mod by any chance?
Pangaea666: This is getting seriously annoying. The GOG version is supposed to be Win 7 compatible, but it keeps crashing when I'm changing areas. It seems to be after a handful or so transfers. BAM! Crash to Desktop.

Any solution to this?

Nothing I try seems to really help. Have set the exe as exception in Avast AV, but to no avail. Tried with the BLT options, but then it was impossible to play due to framerate. Have also tried the play as admin, XP mode and disabling visual themes and such, but I don't think that helped any either. Very frustrating :(
scientt: Are you running widescreen mod by any chance?
Yes I am. Followed the mod install guide here, so have widescreen, UI, UB and fixes and tweaks. All was installed before starting any saves, in the recommended order. Is it the widescreen mod that causes the crashes?

Actually managed to play 4-5 hours earlier today without a single crash. Then I fired it up again and played no more than 2 minutes before it crashed. Weird.
Where is it crashing? Like do you know the areas? Regardless, please apply this patch at link below. This seems to solve almost all but a few of crashes. I'm currently doing some more analysis but eventually when I'm satisfied bigg will add it as part of his Widescreen mod. So far a lot of people have reported that it's fixed crashing for them.

You'll need hex editor to do this and converting your resolution to hex. If you need help doing this let me know.
scientt: Where is it crashing? Like do you know the areas? Regardless, please apply this patch at link below. This seems to solve almost all but a few of crashes. I'm currently doing some more analysis but eventually when I'm satisfied bigg will add it as part of his Widescreen mod. So far a lot of people have reported that it's fixed crashing for them.

You'll need hex editor to do this and converting your resolution to hex. If you need help doing this let me know.
Not sure I want to start hex-editing files to be honest. Have bookmarked the link though for future reference if problems persist or get worse.

Have played for maybe 3 hours now without a crash. Then, just like yesterday, it crashed when exiting the old gal's hut (I'm trying to keep it low-spoiler, I know how annoying it can be, and this is my first playthrough as well). It has crashed before when transferring between areas, I'm quite sure about that, but it seems to be more prevalent when exiting small areas. It has crashed when exiting the resting place next to the Mortuary for example.

Will hold off on that fix for now in case I muck something up trying to edit, but if it crashes a lot over the coming hours or days I'll probably give it a go. Thanks for the tip anyway, had never heard about that one :thup:

Screw that. Which file do I need to edit, and how do I do it?

I have EditPad, so should be able to edit hex values with it.

Long time since I did any hex'ing, but it looks like the values are reversed, kind of. Since I use 1366x768 that should be, unless I misunderstand the reverse engineering of your numbers:

56 05 00 00 -- 1366 (in place of 80 02 00 00)
00 03 00 00 -- 768 (in place of E0 01 00 00)

But I don't know what file to put this in. Did the widescreen mod modify the torment.exe file so it should go into that one?

Edit2: Yep, seems to be in torment.exe. I find 6 values of the 640 number, but only 4 of the 480 number. Will hold off for now so I don't destroy anything. Hopefully you can help me out :)
Post edited March 03, 2012 by Pangaea666
You are correct. It is torment.exe, sorry I thought that was obvious. And yes, the widescreen along with the fixpack/UB/tweaks include patches to the exe. That's how I've fixed problems in game code. You also have correct hex values for your resolution. You don't want to search for 640 or 480. In link I posted, I put together byte patterns to search for then you replace bytes in bold. So for example, you'd search for:

search: B9 80 02 00 00 F7 F9 89 45 BC 8B 95 D8 FE FF FF 8B 82 F0 00 00 00 99 B9 80 02 00 00

then replace with

replace: B9 56 05 00 00 F7 F9 89 45 BC 8B 95 D8 FE FF FF 8B 82 F0 00 00 00 99 B9 56 05 00 00
I understood the searching for bit, I searched for the right stuff, but I only searched the 8-digit numbers instead of the whole string.

Have now edited the file with these strings, since it crashed again after a few minutes of gameplay while exiting the hut. Hopefully it's correct. Of course I backed up the exe file first just in case.

B9 80 02 00 00 F7 F9 89 45 BC 8B 95 D8 FE FF FF 8B 82 F0 00 00 00 99 B9 80 02 00 00
B9 56 05 00 00 F7 F9 89 45 BC 8B 95 D8 FE FF FF 8B 82 F0 00 00 00 99 B9 56 05 00 00

B9 E0 01 00 00 F7 F9 89 45 A0 8B 95 D8 FE FF FF 8B 82 F4 00 00 00 99 B9 E0 01 00 00
B9 00 03 00 00 F7 F9 89 45 A0 8B 95 D8 FE FF FF 8B 82 F4 00 00 00 99 B9 00 03 00 00

B9 80 02 00 00 F7 F9 89 85 68 FF FF FF 8B 55 18 8B 42 04 99 B9 E0 01 00 00
B9 56 05 00 00 F7 F9 89 85 68 FF FF FF 8B 55 18 8B 42 04 99 B9 00 03 00 00

B9 80 02 00 00 F7 F9 89 85 70 FF FF FF 8B 55 18 8B 42 0C 99 B9 E0 01 00 00
B9 56 05 00 00 F7 F9 89 85 70 FF FF FF 8B 55 18 8B 42 0C 99 B9 00 03 00 00

For reference to others, these numbers correspond to a resolution of 1366 x 768.
Post edited March 03, 2012 by Pangaea666
Upload your original and patched exes to someplace like mediafire and then post link. I'll double check to make sure they were patched ok.

If it's still crashing then might be an issue with your computer not fully supporting resolution you're using.
It seems to work as I played for maybe an hour without a crash. Then it oddly crashed while checking for items in a box of sorts inside a building.

Tried to go in and out of the lady's hut maybe 10 times without a crash.

Link to files

Thanks for the help with this :)
I made changes as follows:

640 - 80 02 00 00 => 1280 - 00 05 00 00

480 - E0 01 00 00 => 1024 - 00 04 00 00

B9 80 02 00 00 F7 F9 89 45 BC 8B 95 D8 FE FF FF 8B 82 F0 00 00 00 99 B9 80 02 00 00

replace with

B9 00 05 00 00 F7 F9 89 45 BC 8B 95 D8 FE FF FF 8B 82 F0 00 00 00 99 B9 00 05 00 00

B9 E0 01 00 00 F7 F9 89 45 A0 8B 95 D8 FE FF FF 8B 82 F4 00 00 00 99 B9 E0 01 00 00

replace with

B9 00 04 00 00 F7 F9 89 45 A0 8B 95 D8 FE FF FF 8B 82 F4 00 00 00 99 B9 00 04 00 00

B9 80 02 00 00 F7 F9 89 85 68 FF FF FF 8B 55 18 8B 42 04 99 B9 E0 01 00 00

replace with

B9 00 05 00 00 F7 F9 89 85 68 FF FF FF 8B 55 18 8B 42 04 99 B9 00 04 00 00

B9 80 02 00 00 F7 F9 89 85 70 FF FF FF 8B 55 18 8B 42 0C 99 B9 E0 01 00 00

replace with

B9 00 05 00 00 F7 F9 89 85 70 FF FF FF 8B 55 18 8B 42 0C 99 B9 00 04 00 00

Seems to work just fine. I had just completed the mortuary and the game crashed when exiting the open tomb next to the gate. I tested Mebbeth's hut and it caused a crash after a few enters/exits.

I applied to fix as above for 1280x1024 and tested 10-15 times at each location. No crashes so far. (posted same results as -zeke- on the spellhold studios thread).
I also used this fix successfully. After playing for another few hours, including Mebbeth's hut, this seems to have completely resolved the issue. Thanks very much to scient!

For reference: version of the game
Win XP SP3
NVidia 9800 GT
Modded as per this post.

For those who are interested, the hex values for 1680x1050 are 90 02 (1650) and 1A 04 (1050)

Edit: Typo.
Post edited March 04, 2012 by GerPronouncedGrr
Crashed twice in a jiff now from entering or exiting houses so if you find any errors in the file I uploaded, please let me know. Getting annoying now :(