lmtr14: I for one was already pretty pissed off by DA:O's in-game advertising of DLCs. But the immersion-breaking kickstarter fanfictions thrown in this game really take the cake. Probably been said a lot of times already, but that was a really bad decision by Obsidian, especially since the memorials and soul stories (I was like, why are there people standing around I can't talk to yet I can extract their memories like with undead in PS:T???) have no coherence with the game universe.
Bottom line, if you're gonna include fan creations in your game, make sure that they don't blatantly break immersion. Hell, a decade of Baldur's Gate npc/quest mods has shown how fans can make a game doubly the worth it was vanilla!
IMO what BioWare did in DA:O was way worse than this. That guy was right there in your bloody camp, basically going "hi, I have a great quest for you but first, please hand over your Credit Card information" it was ridiculous. The tomb stones in PoE are very easily ignored and the game actually warns you in one of the loading screen tips that they can potentially be immersion breaking. After taking a look, out of curiosity, at the first couple I came across I haven't read a single one of them. Still think it's cool for those backers that they're represented though. Good for them!
The NPC's are a bit more obvious in their presence, but I have actually enjoyed most of their stories and haven't found a single one that was immersion breaking... And I've read a LOT. I'm sorry it bothers you as much as it does but it's not that hard to just ignore them, is it? Just don't click on them. Either way, this game wouldn't exist if it weren't for the Kickstarter backers, that's the simple truth, and I see the tombstones and NPC's as reminders of that. Which is not even in the same realm as putting a DLC-pawning merchant in the player's camp in a AAA title.