lmtr14: I for one was already pretty pissed off by DA:O's in-game advertising of DLCs. But the immersion-breaking kickstarter fanfictions thrown in this game really take the cake. Probably been said a lot of times already, but that was a really bad decision by Obsidian, especially since the memorials and soul stories (I was like, why are there people standing around I can't talk to yet I can extract their memories like with undead in PS:T???) have no coherence with the game universe.
Bottom line, if you're gonna include fan creations in your game, make sure that they don't blatantly break immersion. Hell, a decade of Baldur's Gate npc/quest mods has shown how fans can make a game doubly the worth it was vanilla!
In the very beginning of the game there's a dead soul (hiding any spoiler here) hanging from a tree who is female, matronly, and speaks with a heavy Italian accent, and who actually gives you a lot of pertinent information and at least one significant quest in the main story line--but, why would you think every person's soul would be directly related to your narrow quests and interests in the game? Part of being a Watcher is that you observe...and you'll obviously see things that have no immediate or direct correlation with you, personally. For me, far from breaking the immersion, it enhances it--because it's part of being a Watcher, etc.
The tombstones are corny, I'll grant, but once you know what they are and what to expect from them, you can freely ignore them, right? Sometimes they are funny...but you don't have to ever look at them if you don't want. The IE Mod strips them out and replaces them with fantasy names, if you prefer. They don't bother me at all, and I think it's cool that Obsidian would engrave the backer's names in the game--they aren't trying to sell us anything, are they? It's a tribute to the backers and I'm cool with it--we have the game because of them. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, well, maybe that's just a bit of guilt because you didn't contribute...?...;)