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Hello Roahin, just wanted to say you do a fantastic job and have made me excited to play this game. I was wondering if you could help me build out an idea I had and help it work as I'm not sure how myself. If you dont have time or interest I understand and just wanted to ask. It is a heavy armored casting sorcerer not sure how best to do that. Main focus would be damage with a bit of survivability thrown in. Higher charisma for the main character. As I said thank you for reading and all you have done so far.
I gotta ask, would that Sword Saint/Duelist build be alright for a first time player? Being a dodge tank and DPS in one sounds fun.

I know it's probably been a while since you've played this game, but I was wondering what your take on an elven eldritch knight with a curve blade would be?

Sort of an elven knight looking to reclaim their lost kingdom, as hinted at in the end of the game.

If you can, thanks, if not, no worries.
Roahin: Aldori Duelmaster
Role: Armorless Tank / Melee Damage
Race: Human
Alignment: Any
Final Build: Sword Saint 10 / Duelist 10

Build Notes: This game demands that sooner or later you're going to want to make a Swordlord. There's just too much lore, too many unique feats and equipment for you to stay away forever. A lot of people like to use the Aldori Defender and Aldori Swordlord prestige class... I'm not a fan. Both conceptually and mechanically, I feel the Sword Saint / Duelist does everything better. With this build you have Dex to damage at level 1, with the Swordlord PrC you have to wait until level 6 at the earliest. That's a long time doing 1d8+0.

Starting Stats
Sword Saint-1
10 Strength
18 Dexterity
10 Constitution
16 Intelligence
10 Wisdom
14 Charisma
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Slashing Grace (Dueling Sword), Chosen Weapon (Dueling Sword)
Spells: (1) Enlarge Person, Grease, Magic Missile, Shield, Shocking Grasp, True Strike
Notes: You'll need to select your Chosen Weapon first before the game will let you pick Slashing Grace as your second feat.

Leveling Stats
Level 2 - Sword Saint 2
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1
Spells: (1) Ray of Enfeeblement, Vanish

Level 3 - Sword Saint 3
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1
Feats: Aldori Dueling Mastery, Extend Spell
Spells: (1) Expeditious Retreat, Reduce Person
Notes: Pretty much from Oleg's you can have acquired Bracers of Armor +1, Tartuccio's Ring, Gloves of Dexterity +2, Headband of Intellect +2 and a +1 Dueling Sword from the nearby locations. There's no reason to put off getting these things. You should have a respectable unarmored/unbuffed defensive fighting 26 AC by this point. Probably not quite enough to main tank, but enough to hold his own in melee.

Level 4 - Sword Saint 4
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1
Spells: (2) Frigid Touch, Mirror Image

Level 5 - Sword Saint 5
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1
Feats: Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike
Spells: (2) Blur, Web
Notes: Pretty obvious where those feats are building to.

Level 6 - Sword Saint 6
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Empowered Spell
Spells: (2) Acid Arrow, Glitterdust

Level 7 - Sword Saint 7
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1
Feats: Combat Mobility
Spells: (3) Displacement, Vampiric Touch
Note: You get Lightning Draw this level, an ability which stacks your Intelligence bonus to your Dexterity for Initiative. This stacks with Aldori Dueling Mastery.

Level 8 - Sword Saint 8
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Empowered Spell
Spells: (3) Haste, Stinking Cloud

Level 9 - Duelist 1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +2
Feats: Crane Style
Notes: The Intelligence to AC that Duelist grants STACKS with the same ability from Sword Saint, effectively double-dipping your stat. Assuming by now that you've found just some minimum equipment, your AC should be around: 10 + 6 Dex + 4 Int + 1 Int + 1 Ring + 1 Amulet + 1 Bracers + 2 Dueling Mastery + 1 Dodge + 4 Fighting Defensively = 31 AC unbuffed.
Remember also that your Dueling Sword qualifies for Precise Strike. You should be seeing a substantial uptick in damage.

Level 10 - Duelist 2
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1
Notes: Improved Reaction stacks with Lightning Draw which stacks with Aldori Dueling Mastery. You should have an initiative check of around +14 or +15 by now.

Level 11 - Duelist 3
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +2
Feats: Crane Wing

Level 12 - Duelist 4
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1
Feats: Combat Reflexes(Free)

Level 13 - Duelist 5
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +2
Feats: Combat Expertise

Level 14 - Duelist 6
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1

Level 15 - Duelist 7
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +2
Feats: Weapon Specialization (Dueling Sword)

Level 16 - Duelist 8
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1

Level 17 - Duelist 9
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1, Any +1
Feats: Improved Critical (Dueling Sword), Deflect Arrows(Free)

Level 18 - Duelist 10
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1
Notes: Personally, I prefer Crippling Critical - Bleed Damage, but use whatever suits your situation best.

Level 19 - Sword Saint 9
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1, Use Magic Device +1
Feats: Critical Focus
Spells: (3) Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt

Level 20 - Sword Saint 10
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Knowledge (World) +1, Persuasion +1
Spells: (4) Shield of Dawn, Stoneskin

By now your bars are probably glowing with a dozen active abilities. What should you have up as a default, you ask? I'd recommend: Crane Style, Fighting Defensively, Combat Expertise, Spell Combat, Spellstrike, Perfect Critical, Parry - Self, Crippling Critical - Bleed. Anything else should be a use as necessary.
Now, where will your AC be by the end? I had high 60's but I know I didn't take the best AC gear across the board, sometimes damage and abilities need concessions.

Where and when can I find Dueling Swords?
Here are the ones I know for certain of:
*A MW Dueling Sword can be purchase from Oleg in the Outskirts for 400g.
*A +1 Dueling Sword can be found near Viscount Smoulderburn at the Old Sycamore in the Shrike Hills.
*The unique Dueling Sword "Lord Protector" (+2, effects that make the wielder attack teammates impose a -5 penalty on the attacks) is available for returning to Jamandi Aldori after defeating the Stag Lord with 60+ days remaining
*A +1 Frost Dueling Sword is available for sale in your Capital City from Hassuf for 8300g.
*The unique Dueling Sword "Swordsman's Passion" (+2 Agile) can be found in Swamp Witch's Hut in South Narlmarches.
*The unique Dueling Sword "Menace" (+3 Brilliant Energy, +2 bonus to CMD and CMB) is a gift granted by the artisan crafter Shaynih'a.
*A +2 Shock Dueling Sword is available for sale from Dug in the Kellid Barbarian Camp in Dunsward for 18,500g.
*The unique Dueling Sword "Royal Gift" (+3 Keen) is available in Vordakai's Tomb in Tors of Levenies.
*The unique Dueling Sword "Arcane Enforcer" (+3, deals additional 1d6 on hit) is available after defeating Vordakai in his throne room in Vordakai's Tomb in Tors of Levenies.
*After Varnhold Vanishing the Skeletal Salesman will sell a +2 Radiant Dueling Sword for 18,500g.
*A +4 Dueling Sword is available for sale from a Trader in the Rushlight Tournament in Pitax for 32,000g.
*The unique Dueling Sword "Bloodhound" (+5 Speed, Agile, Keen, all successful attacks on the same target add an additional +2 stacking damage) is a reward for defeating Farnirras at the end of the Magical Prison quest.
Hi, first off, I love your builds becuase they have concepts and they don't all go monk or vivi dips (they have their place, but not everywhere). Is there a way to adapt above build for an elf? I like the idea since it's like an elven bladesinger or spells word.or is there a better approach? Long shot but I thought I might as well ask.
Roahin: Death Knight
Role: Melee Damage / Necrosummoner
Race: Half-Orc
Alignment: Any (strongly recommend evil)
Final Build: Undead Eldritch Scion 20

Build Notes: This is a build who's playstyle will evolve as he levels and more and more abilities become available to him. Off the bat, he synergizes well with Jaethal. His unique bloodline will let him buff her with spells that she normally isn't able to be targeted with, like Enlarge Person. Early on, he'll be a back rank poker. Later on he'll transition to an undead summoner. By the end of the game he'll be a full on plated Death Knight, draining the HP from enemies he hits or who hit him, breaking their morale left and right, and shrugging off blows with pure undead resilience.

Starting Stats
Eldritch Scion-1
Bloodline: Undead
18 Strength
13 Dexterity
12 Constitution
10 Intelligence
10 Wisdom
16 Charisma
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Power Attack
Spells: (1) Ray of Enfeeblement, Enlarge Person
Notes: Religion deals with the Undead and is central to the theme. Half-Orcs get racial bonuses to Perception and Persuasion. Also, our goal will to be acquire all the Necromancy spells. For right now, since you only have light armor and a 13 Dexterity, find a reach weapon and park yourself safely behind your tank.

Leveling Stats
Level 2 - Eldritch Scion 2
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Spells: (1) Corrosive Touch
Notes: Shocking Grasp is technically superior to Corrosive Touch, but CT is more thematically appropriate.

Level 3 - Eldritch Scion 3
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Intimidating Prowess, Extend Magic, Death's Gift(B)
Spells: (1) Grease, Cause Fear(Free)
Notes: Why Extend Magic? Buffing yourself with an Extended Enlarge Person will let you start using one-handed weapons from the back-ranks, greatly increasing your efficacy. Note that Death's Gift just gave you Damage Reduction 5/Magic, very powerful early on. It's a shame you don't have the AC to take full advantage of it as a tank. Not yet, anyhow.

Level 4 - Eldritch Scion 4
Attribute: Charisma +1
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Spells: (2) Frigid Touch, Mirror Image
Notes: Frigid Touch is my personal go-to for Spellstrike. The cold damage is appropriate for the undead.

Level 5 - Eldritch Scion 5
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Persuasive, Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Spells: (2) Blur, False Life(Free)
Notes: I like to toggle Arcane Weapon (Frost) on personally at this point.

Level 6 - Eldritch Scion 6
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Empowered Magic
Spells: (2) Web

Level 7 - Eldritch Scion 7
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Cornugon Smash, Medium Armor Proficiency
Spells: (1) True Strike, (3) Haste, Displacement, Vampiric Touch(Free)
Notes: This is a big level for the Death Knight. You're in the backranks with your Extended Enlarge Person firing off Empowered Vampiric Touch Cornugon Smashes.

Level 8 - Eldritch Scion 8
Attribute: Charisma +1
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Spells: (3) Stinking Cloud

Level 9 - Eldritch Scion 9
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Dodge, Ghost Blade
Spells: (3) Dispel Magic

Level 10 - Eldritch Scion 10
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Spell Specialization (Vampiric Touch), Ghost Blade
Spells: (2) Glitterdust, (4)- Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Animate Dead(Free)
Notes: Around this time you're going to notice a shift in how the Death Knight plays. The Animate Dead is a big game changer especially used in conjunction with Grasp of the Dead. Remember that with the undead bloodline, you can affect undead as if they were people. That means buffing them in a way that no other necromancer class can!

Level 11 - Eldritch Scion 11
Skills: Mobility +3
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Crane Style
Spells: (1) Shield, (4) Shield of Dawn
Notes: Despite what it might look like, I'd still advise you to avoid hanging out in melee without a reach weapon or Enlarge Person. Crane Style is for later.

Level 12 - Eldritch Scion 12
Attribute: Charisma +1
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Maximized Magic
Spells: (4) Controlled Fireball

Level 13 - Eldritch Scion 13
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Armor Focus (Heavy)
Spells: (3) Slow, (5) Vampiric Shadow Shield, Cloudkill, Waves of Fatigue(Free)
Notes: By now with Crane Style, Full Plate, Dodge and any magic items you've picked up, you've got an AC in the 30's. Between Vampire Touch and Vampiric Shadow Shield it should be difficult for anyone to break through your immense self-healing.
That said, your AC isn't high enough to main tank, but high enough to join in on the frontlines without being instantly melted. You should also be feeling like a true Death Knight by now. Sending hordes of the undead in to battle your foes while you swing whatever your favored weapon is, imbued with the frost of death and fell vampiric magics draining their life to feed your own. Your every swing of your weapon demoralizes and terrifies the enemies before you, and those that do manage to pierce your defenses finds your body tough and difficult to damage (DR is at 10 now).

Level 14 - Eldritch Scion 14
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Spells: (2) Invisibility, (5) Cone of Cold

Level 15 - Eldritch Scion 15
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Spell Specialization (Vampiric Touch), Quickened Magic
Spells: (5) Baleful Polymorph
Notes: You pick up Incorporeal Form at this level. I found it to be unbelievably useful in end-game encounters where things suddenly refocused off the tank. It's just the thing to give you time to quaff a bunch of potions or stack some Quickened Maximized Vampiric Touches and get your HP back where it needs to be.

Level 16 - Eldritch Scion 16
Attribute: Charisma +1
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Spells: (4) Dragon's Breath, (6) Umbral Strike, Transformation, Undeath to Death(Free)

Level 17 - Eldritch Scion 17
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy), Combat Casting
Spells: (3) Lightning Bolt, (6) True Seeing

Level 18 - Eldritch Scion 18
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Reach Magic
Spells: (6) Disintegrate
Notes: Might as well take Reach Magic to have an easy backdoor in for the Metamagister achievement.

Level 19 - Eldritch Scion 19
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Feats: Toughness
Spells: (4) Boneshatter, Enervation, Greater False Life, (5) Acidic Spray, (6) Banshee Blast, Circle of Death, Eyebite

Level 20 - Eldritch Scion 20
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Lore (Religion) +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +1
Spells: (4) Phantasmal Killer, (6) Greater Dispel Magic
Notes: This is it, you're undead now. Damage reductions, immunities, the whole shebang.

I know the Undead Bloodline says you're supposed to get high level spells like Finger of Death, Horrid Wilting and Energy Drain, but you never do. Presumably they get assigned to your level 9 spell slot that doesn't exist. As with the Dwarven Defender, I avoided Weapon Focuses / Specializations. Unless a build's concept demands a specific weapon, it's better to be able to use the best weapon you happen to have at the moment.
I've got the eldritch arcana mod and still cannot find Extend Magic at level 3 or on the list at all... What am i doing wrong? ive followed the build exactly.
Don't the rules say that Increased Damage Reduction can only be taken twice by SD? Or can you select the barbarians's IDR when levelling up as SD?

Roahin: The Adamantine Halfling
Role: Tank
Race: Halfling
Alignment: Non-Lawful
Final Build: Fighter 4 / Invulnerable Rager 8 / Stalwart Defender 8

Build Notes: This was originally a variant for a Half-Orc tower shield-wielding Invulnerable Rager / Stalwart Defender I'd made. For those not aware, the Damage Reduction from Rager stacks with the Damage Reduction from Defender stacks with the Damage Reduction from gear. The Tower Shield Defender's Bulwark gives 3/-, the Ring Sentinel gives 2/-, Greater Ring of Protection gives 2/- and Armor of Wealth gives 5/-. There might be more than that out there, but I know about those for sure. A 10th level Rager who takes all the rage feats for DR can pull another 11/-, and a 10th level Defender with all defense feats for DR can pull 7/-. All told, that's 30/- and given you're using a tower shield and can take Guarded Stance for your barbarian rage, you can hit some pretty impressive heights with AC.
This build goes a different way, focusing heavier on Dexterity and Dodging while still maintaining a very high Damage Reduction. The high Dexterity and dodge will keep your Touch AC shockingly high (mine ended in the high 50's/low 60's). Also, I admit, I get a kick out of a little halfling with a tiny dagger tanking enormous monsters a dozen times his size. Moreover, 90% of the Halfling Tank builds that exist online are Scaled Fists, and God am I tired of those.

Starting Stats
10 Strength
19 Dexterity
16 Constitution
10 Intelligence
10 Wisdom
12 Charisma
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Dodge
Notes: Why Dodge and not Weapon Focus, setting up for Fencing/Slashing Grace? This game is littered with Agile weapons, some even available as early as Act I. There's multiple in every chapter, all the way to some impressive +5 ones in the endgame. There's no need to blow 2-3 extra feats or dip Rogue to get Dex to Damage.

Leveling Stats
Level 2 - Fighter 2
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike

Level 3 - Fighter 3
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Crane Style
Notes: I'm a sucker for timing Crane Style for level 3 when the Mobility synergy hits Fighting Defensively simultaneously.

Level 4 - Fighter 4
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Piranha Strike
Notes: Don't be concerned about the stacked attack loss from Piranha Strike and Fighting Defensively. This build has a very high Dexterity and full BAB to +20. Plus, down the road, the cost for FD is only going to be a measely -1.

Level 5 - Invulnerable Rager 1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Perception +1
Feats: Cautious Fighter
Notes: The unique Halfling feat that grants a free +2 AC. As a Dodge ability it both stacks with all other Dodge sources AND your touch AC.

Level 6 - Invulnerable Rager 2
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Perception +1
Feats: Guarded Stance, Damage Reduction: 1/-
Notes: While you CAN rage in combat now, I'd advise holding off unless you're comfortably ahead of the attack bonuses of the enemies you're facing. It's only a -1 to AC, but in short enough order that penalty will be gone.

Level 7 - Invulnerable Rager 3
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Perception +1
Feats: Crane Wing, Fire/Cold Resistance 1

Level 8 - Invulnerable Rager 4
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Perception +1
Feats: Lesser Beast Totem, Damage Reduction: 2/-
Notes: Your AC now has no penalty for raging.

Level 9 - Invulnerable Rager 5
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Perception +1
Feats: Crane Riposte

Level 10 - Invulnerable Rager 6
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Perception +1
Feats: Beast Totem, Damage Reduction: 3/-, Fire/Cold Resistance 4
Notes: Your AC now increases when you rage.

Level 11 - Invulnerable Rager 7
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Perception +1
Feats: Toughness

Level 12 - Invulnerable Rager 8
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1, Perception +1
Feats: Increased Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction: 6/-, Fire/Cold Resistance 8
Notes: Your AC now increases by 4 when your rage, making it one of your better defensive abilities, ironically.

Level 13 - Stalwart Defender 1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Increased Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction: 8/-, Fire/Cold Resistance 12
Notes: "Roahin, can I go into rage AND defensive stance at the same time? Do all those bonuses to AC stack?" Yes you can and yes they do.

Level 14 - Stalwart Defender 2
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Internal Fortitude

Level 15 - Stalwart Defender 3
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Increased Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction: 10/-, Fire/Cold Resistance 16

Level 16 - Stalwart Defender 4
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Fearless Defense
Notes: With Fearless Defense, Internal Fortitude, Blind Fight, etc. we're just building up our immunities to status effects. By this time, your AC is so high little is getting through, your HP is monstrously large (Con 16 + Toughness + Gear), and you're deducting double digit damage off anything lucky enough to land a hit. The only thing left to worry about are status effects.

Level 17 - Stalwart Defender 5
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Blind Fight, Damage Reduction: 11/-

Level 18 - Stalwart Defender 6
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Increased Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction: 12/-

Level 19 - Stalwart Defender 7
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Armor Focus (Light), Damage Reduction: 14/-

Level 20 - Stalwart Defender 8
Attribute: Dexterity +1
Skills: Athletics +1, Mobility +1
Feats: Increased Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction: 15/-

While the Armor of Wealth IS a great piece of Damage Reduction gear, I'd stress strongly to use the Royal Guardian armor. You should have a Dexterity bonus of +11-12 by the end, and the only armor with the Max Dex to take advantage of that is the Royal Guardian armor.

That said, if you do want to know where all that Damage Reduction gear is..

Sentinel (Ring: +2 Shield AC, DR 2/-) crafted by Mim, the Silverstep Artisan
Defender's Bulwark (Tower Shield: +3, DR 2/-) found in the Abandoned Keep/Verdant Chambers, Dire Narlmarches
Greater Ring of Ultimate Protection (+5 all Saves, +5 Deflection AC, Spell Resist 24, DR 2/-) looted from Spawn of Rovagug, Tenebrous Depths
Armor of Wealth (+5 Scale Mail, DR 5/-) sold by a Merchant at Brineheart, Kamelands
Post edited August 29, 2022 by muckmuck2000
Roahin: Treasure Hunter
Role: Skill Hound / Melee Damage
Race: Halfling
Alignment: Any
Final Build: Knife Master 3 / Archaeologist 11 / Arcane Trickster 4

Starting Stats
Knife Master-1
10 Strength
18 Dexterity
14 Constitution
14 Intelligence
10 Wisdom
15 Charisma
Unless I'm missing something, these starting stats aren't possible...
Roahin: Acerbic Ring - Given by Bokken - Bombs do +1d6 damage
Bomb Thrower's Gloves - River Blades Camp - +2 Attack/+2 DC on bombs
Bombadier's Utility Belt - Given by Bokken - Throw 4 more bombs per day
Bombadier's Vest - Ratnook Hill - grants +2 to hit with bombs
Explosion Ring - Given by Bokken - Bombs do +12 damage more each (!!!)
Gear's Rule (Ring) - Technic League Hideout - +2 attack on bombs, bombs count as if 2 levels higher
kony12345: Gears Rule isnt ring but bracers. But grenadier is most broken class in game :) And its absolute needed to endless dungeon becasuse his force bombs can trip that stupid broken golems. With 44DC trip there isnt anythink what he cant trip even on insane :D
So you're saying my bomber run could actually be viable. Awesome! But I'm curious, can they solo even with this build?
Roahin: Here's a companion piece to my Companion Builds thread where I aim to share some of the insights I've found for the main character in the game. As both a roleplayer and rollplayer, I strive for three standards in each build.

1. It has to be conceptually appropriate. Sure, you could dip Monk or Vivisectionist in just about anything to make it stronger, but 99% of the time it doesn't make a lick of sense. If the RP aspect of this game doesn't interest you and you're just looking for whatever gives you the biggest numbers to go slay the other numbers, this guide isn't for you. My builds need to suit the character's concept most of all.

2. They have to be effective. I only post builds that I've personally used on Challenging or harder difficulties and can verify that they pull their weight. I've noticed a LOT of builds get posted out there where the character is a walking liability that contributes nothing until level 15+ when the uber-awesome combo it was building toward takes affect. My builds aim for showing meaningful gain and ability throughout every level.

3. I hate min/maxing, it's the lazy man's way of squeezing 1 or 2 extra points out of a build at the cost of the RP in the game. You won't see 7's (or even worse, 5's) for attributes in my builds. Also, I like a mixture of races and concepts. It's too easy to fall into the pitfall of playing all Aasimar because they have the best stats. Maybe you want to play a Half-Orc or a Gnome sometime? I'm aiming to have as much variety as possible here.

Build Index
Divine Dragonknight (Divine Guardian / Sorcerer / Dragon Disciple / Eldritch Knight) - Angelkin

Dwarven Defender (Tower Shield Specialist / Stalwart Defender)

The Grenadier (Grenadier)

Fey Lord (Feyspeaker)

Erastil's Warden (Herald Caller)

Death Knight (Eldritch Scion)
Orc Axemaster (Slayer / Rogue)
Last of the Shattered Tusk (Mad Dog / Sacred Huntsman / Two-Handed Fighter)

Adamantine Halfling (Fighter / Invulnerable Rager / Stalwart Defender)
Treasure Hunter (Knife Master / Archaeologist / Arcane Trickster)

Aldori Duelmaster (Sword Saint / Duelist)

Inferno Priest of Asmodeus (Sorcerer / Ecclesitheurge / Mystic Theurge) - Hellspawn
I love your builds! Any chance we will get something similar for WotR?
A couple of things about the Grenadier build:

1) Precise Bombs does not negate the -4 penalty to ranged attack rolls when the target is engaged in melee with an ally. I would think that removing that penalty would be useful even with bombs attacking touch AC. So, I would consider Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot as still "mandatory" feats for the Grenadier. (I do use a mod that allows taking precise shot without requiring Point Blank Shot as a prerequisite. In that case only Precise Shot is "mandatory".)

2) In Pathfinder, the Bomb ability is a supernatural ability, not a weapon. This means that Alchemical Weapon should not be able to be applied to bombs. Does Owlcat change that?

Edit: After searching the Paizo forums I should add some correction to my second point. While bombs are considered weapons, they get created and thrown in the same action. Applying alchemical weapon is (initially) a move action. You cannot insert a move action into the middle of the standard action of throwing the bomb, and no bomb exists prior to the act of throwing it, so there is not a weapon for alchemical weapon to apply to. So, Alchmical Weapon cannot be applied to bombs. An argument could be made that when Alchemical Weapon becomes a free action, then it should be able to be applied to bombs.
Post edited December 12, 2023 by Skiamach
I was wondering if I could ask on your take of King Arthur from the Arthurian legends? I kept thinking time after time in my head and I couldn't think of the classes that could fit, if multiclassing. The only one that I could think of was Paladin, after that, I got stuck. So what do you think would be best for the build for Pathfinder Kingmaker?
Thanks for all the builds!
Post edited February 07, 2025 by vespa35