vladesch: Still sinking...
Number 231 on steam with 515 current players.
Oh, and to the guy who suggested that steam players might be playing offline.
Why would they bother? It's extra work to put steam offline to play for no reason.
vladesch: Seriously, trying to explain away it's disasterous slump by claiiming people are putting steam offline is sad.
I don't think anyone was suggesting the ONLY reason for falling numbers on Steam was people playing off-line only, i certainly was not. I was just wondering how many people like myself are out there enjoying the game and not wanting to go on-line at all.
I know its currently the in-thing to do this, gloat over falling Steam numbers, but why do it in this thread. Did you read the thread title? Are you so consumed with hate you have to spread it everywhere you go? Why not be happy in life, why not allow other people that enjoy the game (even as it we got it) to do that without throwing negativity at it? You got lots of threads to do that in. Is it making the game better? Is it encouraging the devs to WANT to make the game better? You probably do not care about that, well done, how selfish of you.
As for why play offline (steam or GOG or PS4 even (can you do that on PS4?)) mostly it is so i can avoid the stupid and dumb names people will give planets and creatures. That stuff (online MP stuff in general) is a total game immersion breaking problem (in all MP games i find). I much prefer the games odd procedural naming system than any internet low-brows lame half arsed attempt at humour or anything really. Stay out of MY game losers. That kind of thing :)
I know Sean had best intentions about sharing the experience and allowing others to notice other real gamers in the game universe, and all that, but in general the gaming community has been a toxic dump for a good decade now, so i think he was mostly coming at that lite MP aspect with rose-tinted glasses for when people were actually pretty polite to one another for the most part back in the day. Just see the reaction and verbal hate spewed about NMS for proof of what a toxic lot the 'gaming community' now really is imho.
In more positive news there is a great thread i discovered over at RPS for people posting their positive experiences of playing NMS, and also i found a few other links to share that show there are indeed people out there having a great time with the game, release warts and all, so here are some of those links for others in this thread about enjoying the game (hint: read the thread title before posting) rather than throwing hate around (hint: read the thread title perhaps?):
RPS thread:
https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/forums/showthread.php?52157-The-No-Man-s-Sky-enthusiasts-thread Jeff Minter Post:
http://minotaurproject.co.uk/blog/?p=380 The only Reddit worth following (well that and the modding one):
https://www.reddit.com/r/nomanshigh/comments/4yhudh/nms_information_compilation -----------------------
I'm having a blast, and that sort of surprised me. I'm someone that loves depth and detail in my sandbox games, but the sheer beauty and perfect delivery of those sci-fi book cover worlds (Jeff Minter goes into that in his link above) and the variety of them, how they function in terms of gameplay, to be what NMS is mostly about for me. I can take the grindy mining and upgrade game and place it in lower importance to the general walking around enjoying the views that this game generates. This is not a high pace adrenalin junky game, it's much more relaxed, and sort of perfect after a hard day at work.
I do play with mods (listed in the mods thread) and they certainly help me get over some of the games 'console' annoyances and add some nice things. But yeah, considering the stuff i would have loved (planet physics etc) being dropped in the release version, like Jeff Minter, i'm finding NMS the perfect exploration sci-fi art game, and a lot of fun in that, so much so it is the only game i currently really want to play each day :)