Steam Forums being what they are, yes on Steam NMS is looking pretty dead. Also from Steam we get the data that Hello Games continue to work on the game (those internal-build updates).
However we get no numbers playing reporting from Sony or GOG (do we get that on Galaxy perhaps?), so the Steam numbers are not the whole story, even if an important metric perhaps. Most games have huge drop of pretty soon after release, NMS had an extra big one due to the hate-train stuff.
People are still playing and enjoying the game however, a couple of reddit subs show evidence of that, this is probably the best one:
Modders are still making mods (that has slown down as they maybe hit the current limit on what can be done?) and in general if you are someone that did not let the hate 'become' the game for you, there is still lots of fun to be had in exploring the game and enjoying what is on offer. To put some context on that i'm now around 200 hours in overall (across a number of game plays) and not even close to finishing the Atlas quest, as i did not make that my priority.
So just because you hate the game, does not mean everyone does, and off course that goes both ways. NMS may not be your kind of game, just as CoD is not my kind of game, and that is fine.
Now excuse we while i go off to finish the fauna cataloguing on this rather tricky (but interesting) inhospitable planet i'm currently on. The views are impressive as is the danger level :)