Well, I've managed to fix the problem on my system. I'm running:
Windows Vista 64 Home Premium
Intel Core2 Duo 3.0GHz
Nvidia 8800GT
I was getting the randome white textures on the walls, floor and ceiling. I did the following though:
Download & Install Nvidia Forceware Drivers 169.02 WHQL
Switch Texture to Max in MDK options (512K)
Switch Render from DirectX+Shiny to DirectX
And now all the randomly missing textures are back in, and the game's running smoothly. To those with Nvidia cards having problems, I highly recommend downloading and installing (after uninstalling your more current drivers) driver set 169.02, or if your card is newer than an 8800GT, then to get the oldest drivers you can. That's apparently what fixed it for me. You can get the old drivers off Nvidia's site by going here: