You don't do anything other than line up your party members and click on what you want to shoot, there's no strategy, no real complications that would force you into employing interesting methods to defeat your enemies.
Jagged Alliance 2 for example, sometimes requires you to approach situations from a different angle and with different methods, I remember in one mission I was defending a town I had just occupied from retaliating enemies and the only way for me to survive was by placing a close combat expert near a doorway while another member of my squad took potshots from the roof of the building, at the same time I sneaked two squad-members with automatic weapons onto the enemy's flank. The sniper on the roof distracted my enemies while my flankers got in position to take out the enemy forces.
If I had simply had them attack in a line while crouched I would have been annihilated, but I won that battle.
Although Gorky 17 isn't on that scale, and it's understandable it doesn't try to be the same game, it just doesn't make the combat interesting at all, I think the best comparison is the later half of Fallout 2 where any combat is simply won by picking up a Gauss Rifle and then aiming for the enemy's eyes turn after turn while occasionally using Stimpaks. Gorky 17 has that same repetitive action.
There's more to combat than repeating a constant stream of movements and reacting stiffly, there should be an element of strategy and thought that makes you consider each turn, there was none of that in Gorky 17, and there's just too much combat to make it a small issue.