JamesBond007: It doesn't work properly for me as well. I think it works propelrly only for games purchased after certain date. Games purchased earlier are sorted incorrectly.
Very much so. The game, right up at the top left (using shelves) gave me Fallout 2 (I own a non-GOG copy, but wanted it here). Goodness, I just claimed that during the winter sales (If the order from oldest to newest is supposed to be "left to right" - "Top to bottom").
Second game showed me something I purchased late 2 years ago, with the very first game from the bottom right, displaying the same timeframe 2 years ago, but earlier on in the year. And most games I bought last year (2013), were sandwiched somewhere in the middle.
This isn't a big deal, of course, as it isn't very important firstly and the purchased date is stated on each label under your game, but yeah, you've got to manually sift all that through.