uulav: It's dark, it's stupid, it ain't got what i am looking for.
Some like it more dark while others enjoy more light.
Stupid? Can't come up with any genre at all where you can't find "stupid" examples of it.
Not what you're looking for. Fair enough. You don't need to understand it, you don't need to enjoy it. It works for me, if it doesn't for you - shrug.
Still, there's no reason to actually "hate" it, just because you don't like it.
uulav: Some of those even have guts to tell others that music made with computers isn't real music, well let me tell you man with longhair screaming into mic isin't either so there you go.
Different preferences. Yes there are stupids out there thinking only "their" way is the right one, in any music genre. Why you join those too, only on the opposite side, is simply beyond me.
uulav: So i am troll because i don't listen heavy metal, you really have to learn how to deal with criticism more civilized manner.
No, not because you're not listening to it. Because you feel entitled to tell the world instead of moving along and finding / enjoying what you like. Instead you lash out and bash it, ignoring that others feel the same way, just for a different music style.
"Everyone has the right to his own opinion, but he has no claim that others have to share it." Savatage - Christmas Eve In Flames - The Chosen Pessimist krakadyla: Well I personally am not terribly fond of onions. They're bitch to peel off, give you runny nose and eyes when you chop them and hoo boy does your breath smell awful for hours after you eat them. So there's that.
Use a sharp knife to cut them, not one with a serrated blade.
Here's a dummy guide how to do it.