Zolgar: but also some game elements that were being discussed very near the end put me off.
Nirth: I stopped reading updates at 12 to 14 I think, what game elements put you off?
Biggest one was them talking about no combat XP, and bantering about a little bit how much level scaling to use. For me, combat XP is a must, and some form of level scaling* is greatly preferred, allowing me to wander away from the plot and play, or follow the plot.. whichever I feel more like at the moment.
*I prefer level-scaled encounters, not creatures. For example: Level 1- a wolf. Level 10- several dire wolves. I find the 'level 1 wolf' or 'level 10 wolf' to be a cheap cop-out that is only suited in Diablo-esque action RPG.
There were a few other elements being discussed as well that put me off a bit.. but at the end of the day, I've been dying for a good isometric RPG, and most of 'theirs' I liked... (Fallout, Fallout 2, IWD, Arcanum, ToEE, IWD2 in theory but I haven't been able to play it.)
Had they not had the stretch goal that let you build your own party though.. I probably would have dropped my pledge.