mushy101: Practising, studying, researching muslim here. I see the religion I subscribe to is rare around these parts. :(
Ah well, also I did some research into Jedi as a religion, I actually never thought it so be so popular, the more you know!
Arteveld: I bet there are more people with Your faith, but considering how stereotypes, and the media campaign, and some more or less fanatical people shaped the view on Your beliefs, i'd say they rather keep it to themselves. Too bad, because it's a very interesting subject.
It is, but as you said yourself, a few bad apples (that are increasing in number) have to ruin it for everyone else!
I don't dwell on it, simply because that serves no purpose and does more harm then good to oneself. Better to point out where the insufferable, wrongly guided, malevolent extremists are wrong, and actually do something about them.