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amok: it was not sneaky, JudasIscarrot said in the thread that he changed the title. Like they usually do when they change it.
maycett: It wasn't obvious though. Something like [moderated] in the thread title would be better. I though the OP was a bit strange until I saw this thread and realized that the title wasn't his choice.
why would you need that?
ne_zavarj: I'm sorry , but i had to down vote this thread .
It's a community censorship! Quick, downrate ne_zavarj's post to vote against his censorship!
JMich: How long should they wait for a reply after Step 1? And how many first timers could have been offended and left for good in that timeframe?
Until they get a reply, or it is obvious they are being ignored.

I don't know. How many lost sales does not participating in the forums cause? Or how many lost sales does piracy cause? No-one knows.. but GOG still believes in focusing on the customers that are giving them money!
Catshade: It's a community censorship! Quick, downrate ne_zavarj's post to vote against his censorship!
* laughs *

I think xyem would be banned from the Steam forums , if he post a thread like this in there .
Post edited May 30, 2012 by ne_zavarj
maycett: It wasn't obvious though. Something like [moderated] in the thread title would be better. I though the OP was a bit strange until I saw this thread and realized that the title wasn't his choice.
amok: why would you need that?
Because I skim through threads and don't read every page. And in this case, like I said, I missed the mod's post and ended up think the OP was strange until I saw this thread :P
TheEnigmaticT: <snip>
You should talk to the website developers about implementing a censoring filter like in for example Worms; where the text is automatically replaced by a friendly synonym.
For example they used to replace Fsck (but the actual 'dirty' word) with Love which turned cussing matches into friendly conversations.
"Love you!" "Love you too motherlover!"
ne_zavarj: I'm sorry , but i had to down vote this thread .
Catshade: It's a community censorship! Quick, downrate ne_zavarj's post to vote against his censorship!
Well I just up voted the thread in response. Not because I really agree with Xyem, but because I don't believe it deserved the down vote. :3
maycett: Because I skim through threads and don't read every page. And in this case, like I said, I missed the mod's post and ended up think the OP was strange until I saw this thread :P
hehe, in that case gog may have done him a favour and made you more interested in his thread. I still do not see why it necessary to point out that the title is changed. the meaning is the same.
maycett: Because I skim through threads and don't read every page. And in this case, like I said, I missed the mod's post and ended up think the OP was strange until I saw this thread :P
amok: hehe, in that case gog may have done him a favour and made you more interested in his thread. I still do not see why it necessary to point out that the title is changed. the meaning is the same.
Well, I think a word or two that's different can end up conveying an entirely different meaning.

Like for that thread, the original title "GOG kicks ass" conveyed enthusiasm and excitement to me, while the revised title made the OP sound like a bit of a smartass. Maybe I read too much into things, but that's why I'd prefer an obvious sign of moderation.
Smannesman: For example they used to replace Fsck (but the actual 'dirty' word) with Love which turned cussing matches into friendly conversations.
Ever since watching the new(erish) Battlestar Galactica I've been using frak on most of the boards I post on. Gets around the censor and curse word rules in one fell swoop. ;)
TheEnigmaticT: <snip>
Smannesman: You should talk to the website developers about implementing a censoring filter like in for example Worms; where the text is automatically replaced by a friendly synonym.
For example they used to replace Fsck (but the actual 'dirty' word) with Love which turned cussing matches into friendly conversations.
"Love you!" "Love you too motherlover!"
We could do that, It would be trivial.

I'd rather not.
xyem: And the alternative is to ask the community to accept what Judas does without question of whether GOG welcomes it or not. Is that better?

I still don't see how that is hypocritical. Did I claim to believe what I just wrote above (about blind acceptance)?
So instead of asking to judge Judas' actions, you are asking gog's community to judge them, but your issue is not with Judas at all. Isn't this hypocrisy? As long as you continue to claim that the overzealous title moderation is censorship, I'll continue to claim that this is hypocrisy. You may not think it is, but neither does TET believe that moderation is censorship, nor do I (and a few more goggers it seems).

Just to be clear, I do agree that changing kick-ass wasn't the best move, and TET himself actually said that (twice!). I still though strongly oppose changing the title back, and I will oppose it even if the title "Import and Export FAQ" was changed to "Read this first", which obviously has no relation to the original, and also makes no sense.
I'm confused, is this a joke topic?

I mean, I'm german and we have to deal a lot with censoring in media (mostly movies and games), maybe that's why I'm confused about this topic. Now, I never learned to speak latin, but translating a word into a different language is nothing I'd consider censorship. Actual, I think " kicks gluteus maximus" is a rather funny line. And it still says " kicks ass". In a different language, so where's the censorship?
TheEnigmaticT: I know that we're not seeing eye to eye on this issue, xyem. I'm sorry to hear that, since it's obviously important to you.
It's not the first time and I doubt it will be the last!

TheEnigmaticT: There are a few reasons why I haven't changed the title back, despite the fact that I don't really mind "ass" in subject lines.
I understand your reasoning, though I disagree with some of it. For example, you say you shouldn't change it back because it serves as a learning item for (though you haven't said if that "light censorship" would continue or not).

Now apply the logic to Botanicula. That was also a mistake, not even GOG's mistake, and GOG still did something to fix it. Where was the "Oh, we'll learn for next time!" for that? In the same way, GOG is being inconsistent with changing the topic titles. There are others that remain with the same word, that were posted recently.

And it would be covering up the mistake if you edited the title back, deleted any mention of it changing and didn't mention you changed it back. Just reverting the title is miles away from covering it up.

And what's the point in politely asking for restraint? If you don't like it, you'll change it anyway so people can just put whatever they want in the title. They might as well, as they are unsure what GOG would change. It's not like there is a list of banned words..

TheEnigmaticT: although the fey urge to edit your topic to "vote BgainUt gog cenTorTip was pretty hard to resist :P), but there are certain things that aren't allowed on the forum. Is "ass" one of them?
Heh heh, that would have been funny!

TheEnigmaticT: But if you're looking at the paper definition of censorship, yeah. We censor these forums. You wanna post porn? Banned. Hate speech? Banned. Assault other board members? Banned.
Yeah, and that is understandable. It does after all say in the ToU that members are expected to follow their local laws and all those things you mentioned fall under that. Swearing does not. And the fact that it is only editing the topic titles makes the grounds of your argument really flimsy. You should be doing it wherever it appears. Wishlist, reviews, topic titles, topic posts, forum titles, usernames...

TheEnigmaticT: but at a business? No. There's more or less a requirement of censorship there, because otherwise there are people who will make things so noisome that your customers will all go away.
But again, we go back to the point that your changes are not universal. The same customer that is turned away by a swear in a topic title is a customer that will be turned away by a whole host of other things you do not censor. The fact that you were extremely lenient on someone who was disrupting the forum drove some people away!
xyem: To me, the form of the word (written or spoken) isn't offensive.. it's the intent.
To quote Wittgenstein: "Words have no meaning outside of context".