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JMich: Call me what you will, but unless you can convince me that changing it will not be seen as "giving in to angry mobs", I doubt my mind will be changed.
Would it convince you that it won't be seen as "giving in to angry mobs" if there is no angry mob to give in to?

I don't see any angry people here. There are no threats that I saw (or at least, can remember). Perhaps some jokes or mentioning what could be done as threats.. but no actual threats.

Though I can understand the passion of some arguments could be taken as anger.. hmm..

The main issue I have with accepting the "it wasn't offensive in that context" is that to some people, the mere use of the word, regardless of context, is offensive.. which means it wasn't a mistake and the same thing will happen again. I'd prefer not to have to test it by changing the name of my give-away and see if it gets censored because, after all, I think the request to avoid such terms is very reasonable.
keeveek: This is how it works. Demanding from GOG to change their (liberal as nowhere on the planet) policy is ABSURD.
In what way are gog's forum policies the most liberal on the planet?
Post edited May 30, 2012 by CaptainGyro
xyem: The main issue I have with accepting the "it wasn't offensive in that context" is that to some people, the mere use of the word, regardless of context, is offensive.. which means it wasn't a mistake and the same thing will happen again. I'd prefer not to have to test it by changing the name of my give-away and see if it gets censored because, after all, I think the request to avoid such terms is very reasonable.
So, is kick-ass offensive by standards or not?
If it is, then the thread title shouldn't be changed back, so your request is off the table at once.
If it isn't and the thread title should be changed back, what is the problem with you naming your contest "Xyem's Kick-Ass Weekly Giveaway", especially since, and I quote
xyem: To me, the form of the word (written or spoken) isn't offensive.. it's the intent.
So since your intent would be to mention how kick-ass your weekly giveaway is (and it most certainly is), and you consider kick-ass not offensive by standards (otherwise you wouldn't be asking so vocally for the reversion of the change), why are you not changing the name?

P.S. I am asking if the as a company finds the word offensive, not if any individual (either with or without) authority finds it. I think it was mentioned (time and time again) that it was a personal decision, not a company one to change the word.
amok: ...
I didn't mean to brush you aside. I was trying to reply to all the posts, which is something this forum makes really difficult to do (especially without having half your replies and up as quotes!) so I sort of went for the parts I felt it was most important to respond to. Perhaps I focussed more on the "it's not an issue" thing specifically because that's a pretty important aspect of your argument to me personally.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to word the rest that I want to say about that without it coming across as an appeal to sympathy or something so I will just leave it there unless you really want to know.
i couldn't care less about this so-called forum censorship, but then again i couldn't care less about the forums, either...

i thought this was about GOG offering cut editions of some games, like Fallout 1 & 2.
amok: ...
xyem: I didn't mean to brush you aside. I was trying to reply to all the posts, which is something this forum makes really difficult to do (especially without having half your replies and up as quotes!) so I sort of went for the parts I felt it was most important to respond to. Perhaps I focussed more on the "it's not an issue" thing specifically because that's a pretty important aspect of your argument to me personally.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to word the rest that I want to say about that without it coming across as an appeal to sympathy or something so I will just leave it there unless you really want to know.
try me - I am always interested in how people work, and I always try to keep an open mind. I will probably argue against it, tough, but that's just me testing it out, do not take it personally. (I am a grate believer in Popper's Falsifiability ...)
keeveek: This is how it works. Demanding from GOG to change their (liberal as nowhere on the planet) policy is ABSURD.
CaptainGyro: In what way are gog's forum policies the most liberal on the planet?
I don't recall anybody being banned here for what s/he said or did on forums (unless it was a spambot) , and what is quite everyday common anywhere else?
PaulDenton: So please calm down xyem, take a step back and fight for cases worth fighting for. This one is not.
I am calm >.< I do fight for cases worth fighting for... it's precisely what I am doing here.

Again, just because you do not attribute the same importance to it that I do does not mean it isn't a worthwhile cause.
I also thought it was joke topic at first *points out to wishlist request name*, but seriously, 9 pages about should kick ass be censored? Even though it's written 50+times in this thread?
I think there are far more kick ass things to spend energy on, this is just plain waste of it IMO.

EDIT: This post is 9th page, so changed that.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by IronStar
PaulDenton: So please calm down xyem, take a step back and fight for cases worth fighting for. This one is not.
xyem: I am calm >.< I do fight for cases worth fighting for... it's precisely what I am doing here.
Whoa... I don't want to know how you look like and how you act when you fight against racism, world hunger or global warming.
Hell, you can't even write the word "asshole" in a book review on Amazon, even though the word "asshole" is in the title of the book itself.

I personally don't think the thread title should have been adjusted; if you can say it in a post, why not in a title? To me, it just doesn't make sense. "Oh, look, here's a thread entitled "Pretty Flowers" - and then you read a post that says "Except for daisies. Daisies are the asshole of the flower kingdom."

Why would a title be singled out? I'm personally against it, but if they want to play the "Oh no, someone might take offense" card, then they should do it with all possibly offensive words, which could get really ridiculous, when you think about it. To selectively enforce morality should not, in my opinion, be a concern of someone running a forum. They should either deny it all or allow it all, but none of this "pick and choose". Take a stand. Do it or don't do it. But really, don't do it.
I'm going to step in the middle here.

Personally I think it's less about said censorship actually being reversed. Putting "ass" back in the title of the thread would be a futile gesture.^I'm glad that TET owned up, openly said that Judas is new in the office and is entitled to a few mistakes. And he'd be right. And I do stand by his decision not to change the title back.

That being said, I think the community needs and deserves some kind of assurance and defined boundaries about what is permissible and what not. I think the whole debate started with michaelleung's infamous "CUNT CUNT CUNT" post and I believe that we were all in agreement that having that as the title of that thread in particular probably wasn't the most appropriate thing to do.

Where do you draw the line? Ass (and arse) are two of the few words, along with damn, crap and butt, that aren't really considered offensive, even though they are considered to be cussing.

Generally I'd draw the line at saying that anything that is permitted on English-language daytime television should be left alone on the forums. And that DOES include "ass".
CaptainGyro: In what way are gog's forum policies the most liberal on the planet?
keeveek: I don't recall anybody being banned here for what s/he said or did on forums (unless it was a spambot) , and what is quite everyday common anywhere else?
Well who has even said anything that was ban-worthy anyway? As EnigmaticT said, you can be banned here for posting porn and posting hate speech. Nobody posts that stuff here. so nobody is banned.
I've seen tons of forums that you can say whatever you want as long as it isn't kid porn,hate speech, spam etc. I don't see anything special about gog's policies. I also actually consider the abilty to hide posts just because a few people might disagree with them to be a horrible thing
Post edited May 30, 2012 by CaptainGyro
TheEnigmaticT: We could do that, It would be trivial.

I'd rather not.
Afthartos: That would be so hilarious on, for example, 4chan :D
I heard a story (though I have no attribution for it), of a CMS team on a news site implementing one of these auto-profanity filters...

Much to the annoyance of the sprinter Tyson Gay, who had his name auto changed in an article to Tyson Homosexual. I've always found that amusing.
CaptainGyro: Well who has even said anything that was ban-worthy anyway? As EnigmaticT said, you can be banned here for posting porn and posting hate speech. Nobody posts that stuff here. so nobody is banned.
I've seen tons of forums that you can say whatever you want as long as it isn't kid porn,hate speech, spam etc. I don't see anything special about gog's policies. I also actually consider the abilty to hide posts just because a few people might disagree with them to be a horrible thing
You never been to Steam / EA / Activision / Bioware / Bethesda etc etc forums then.

It's a different thing to run a amateur forum, and a different thing to run a business were your image is important.