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destroyallmnstrs: Been saying for years that tchotckes and packaging are excellent ways to keep people buying the legit article of games or music. People will pay extra for a well made product.
I agree with the sentiment but not the specifics. Packaging is pretty and all but unless you're an unusual sort (or baby), you open the box, get the fun stuff out and toss the box away. Likewise trinkets are utimately a short term "hey cool" thing that has no lasting value and only puts the price of the game up.
I do rather like the inclusion of things like soundtracks and there's a strange part of me that can't resist a cloth map but for the most part I like the value added stuff to be ingame.
Frankly I think there's 3 real types of people when it comes to piracy & purchasing
Honest: Buy it
Poor: Do without or pirate until they can buy it
Dishonest: Pirate it
I really don't see the inclusion of an exclusive lego sam fisher (bumping up the price by $10 or by $200 if his little lego night vision goggles really work) being likely to turn Dishonest to Honest and the more the price goes up, the more danger the Poor will slip into the Dishonest category
Perhaps to cater to the Poor market, something akin to a DVD model is needed. Much of the time with large films, you can get a basic film only DVD with no extras for a moderately smaller price. Perhaps games could do something similar, offer packages of JUST the single player game and another of JUST the multiplayer game in addition to the complete pack (of course this complete pack would be cynically hiked up by $10 with no additional content and called special just to milk more cash). That way they could sell the single player component of say COD39 to the half a dozen people who buy it for the offline game and then sell the multiplayer component to the thronging masses who only get it for the fragfest deathmatch. If people want both, they can buy the complete edition.
Sure it'd require more work but it shouldn't really be THAT much harder to segregate the 2 elements and the ability to sell more units at a reduced price could well counter the costs of the extra work