Posted July 17, 2014
Yo brother, went through the posts here quickly, and it seems Ric1987 gave it a quick mention, but since you mentioned XCOM, I recently finished playing the crap outta XCOM:Enemy Within, after playing the shit outta Enemy Unknown, so I have to bring up GOG's Shadowrun Returns again. I have just been playing the campaign and I am really enjoying it. The thing is, while some reviews kinda compare it to the recent XCOM games in gamepaly respects (and it does have some similarities), it is actually a more a a Cyberpunk TBS game (which I have never really played). If you're a fan of the recent XCOM games like me, you'll probably enjoy it a lot, as I do/did. It is turned based, has a shield cover system, and some of the team if they are leveled up enough, and are street Samurai's, can even have "Overwatch". There are some different classes like Rigger's and Drek's that can have Drone's or enter the "Matrix" for something different. A decent story, and fun gameplay, make for a pretty interesting gaming experience. I suspect you may like it bud, if you haven't tried it already. Also, if you do decide to get it, be sure to buy the DLC Drangonfall a the same time. It has improved options and gameplay, in particular, the ability to Save or Quick-Save at just about anytime during the game. The stand-alone original Shadow Returns basically only has Savepoints, and Autosaves, which can be really frustrating...the DLC updates the original game as get it, if you go for it!