Sachys: Yeah... I'm one of those people who cannot stand HOMM, AOW etc. Pretty much nothing about the games appealed to me.
So... other than 4x / grand strats and the obligatory X-Com / UFO and Worms games... what is there?
Bionic Dues and Last Federation added plenty of twists to the turn-based formula, though admittedly the strategy map of the later is more like real time where you can control the speed (similar to X-Com).
Again, if you don't mind a bit of real time that you can pause (ala Baldur's Gate) FTL is downright awesome too.
Another that comes to mind is Disciples 1&2 (not sure if that was mentioned, didn't see it perusing the thread). It's probably closer to HoMM than the above games (upgradable buildings to build units, heroes that explore map, level up and collect treasure), but I still wouldn't classify it as HoMM-like.
Moonbase Commander is another swell turn-based that is definitely non-standard, though probably a bit frustrating if you don't know how to aim (aiming feels a bit like playing a golf game).
In short:
1) Bionic Dues (100% turn-based, totally different)
2) Last Federation (Main Map is RT-slowable/pausable, totally different)
3) FTL (Combat is RT-pausable, totally different)
4) Disciples 1&2 (100% turn-based, some similarities, but overall different experience)
5) Moonbase Commander (100% turn-based, totally different, though shooting feels like a golf game)